It looks like my new lab mix and everyone else are getting along. Except for Mia, when she has food. Ordinarily that would not be a problem, I feed everyone separate. But today Mia found some little morsel in the front yard when they were all out there. I don't know what it was, I don't have food there, it may have been a bug or a mulberry. So Jasmine the new pup walks over to investigate and they had a fight. No one was injured. Prior to this Jasmine has clearly conceded that Mia ranks higher than her, has turned over with her tummy up a couple times. Other than that they have played and got along. I'm at a loss as to what to do.
I had this with one of my foster dogs. The thing that worked for us was giving them both very small treats (fingernail size) when they were sat near each other. Over a period of weeks we upped the size of the treat and within 6 weeks they were able to enjoy a frozen Kong in the same room. Sorry, don't really have any more suggestions, but hopefully someone will come along who has more experience
I like Naya's suggestion to give them practice at having treats in each others' vicinity (simultaneously a reward for leaving the other dog alone). I would do what she suggests
I've actually been giving them small treats daily. Every morning when we come in from the first potty break of the day and I have my coffee, they each get a treat, a bit of biscuit usually. But in the situation that happened today, only Mia had something (whatever is was) and she wanted to guard it.