Hi. I would like to know when is it okay to start go running with my lab? I know that putting too much pressure on the developing joints of a dog may increase the risk of hip dysplasia in the future. We have an active lifestyle and go on many walks and hikes but I have been waiting to go on runs with her. It's spring and my girl is having her first birthday in April and I really want to go running with her since the weather is so nice. Is a year old lab old enough to go on 5-10 km runs or should I wait longer?
I think you should wait till 18 or even 24 months. Her joints likely are not solid yet. You could Xray to be sure but Xray is damaging too. Not just hips are at risk, elbows too, maybe more. You know you will have to ease into the running, can't do 5 km right away. Neighbours of ours ran marathons and iron man and took their dog with them to train but rarely even as much as 10 km, that with stops to swim in a creek and mosey along. However at one I was running, playing mostly, with breeders blessing, about one km, on sandy forest floors and the dog was off leash.
I wouldn't risk it ever. none of my dogs have ever had their joints risked on such high impact exercise. I have used a physio for my dogs for 8 years and he has always advised against it.
We didn't try to run with Homer until he was about 18 months but he kept on jumping up on me so much it was impossible. I didn't persevere at all but wish I had as its still impossible, so I have to go for a run then do the same route as a dog walk.
I did a touch of trail running with my adult dogs last summer, when they were two years of age. Off lead, and they could stop to sniff if they wished and then catch up, run a bit ahead (I'm sloooooow!), whatever they wanted. I think that sort of thing is OK, as the dog can dictate its own pace. I would never be happy regularly running with a dog on lead next to me, as it puts such a lot of pressure on their joints and is just asking for trouble down the line.