Re: Roxie's first bath Congratulations!....did she like it? How wet did you get? Ha, ha! I have never bathed Cooper personally.....but take him to the groomer every two months for bath, nails and ears! So, good for you!
Re: Roxie's first bath thanks yes she seemed to like it. i actually didn't get wet and she dried really fast.
Re: Roxie's first bath Even though she dries fast now, you might want to get her used to the blow dryer while she's still little! My adult Lab is terrified of blow dryers, which makes wintertime baths not fun at all (he stays wet for hours and hours...)
Re: Roxie's first bath thanks. these are the munchy bones i was talking about her liking alot. they are good for her chewing.
Re: Roxie's first bath Personally I wouldn't be giving such a young puppy a chew which appears to be for adult dogs (I know that the packaging says dogs of all ages but....) and would offer Roxie Kongs etc. for chewing, or chews specifically produced for puppies. Have you checked the calorific content of these chews and reduced her meal allowance accordingly. Many of these type chews have a fairly high calorific content and it is only to easy to overfeed without knowing.
Re: Roxie's first bath she has a kong but not really interested yet. these are pretty soft and come in small medium and large sizes. closest pet store is like an hour drive so i have to rely on walmart and orschelns.
Re: Roxie's first bath Punky, I know the feeling! has REALLY good deals on a lot of stuff and free shipping with orders over $50. It sounds like a lot but if you wait and order food, snacks, and toys all at once it really saves you quite a bit.
Re: Roxie's first bath I know how difficult life can be. I live in rural France, pet stores do not exist and the supermarkets I useless so I rely upon the internet and have most of my food and treats for both Juno and my 2 cats delivered from the UK. I had a quick look on Amazon and there is quite a good choice of treats for puppies and they offer free shipping over $35. Details below on the link