Royal Canin help

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by HarleyandMe, Feb 19, 2016.

  1. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    It says they offer the manufacturer first refusal and if the mfrs don't want it, they offer the button to an 'ethical online retailer' - not sure how we are defining ethical here... And I wonder how many of the mfrs take them up on their offer.

    If you click on Royal Canin buy button it offers you either the 'store finder' or a link to a UK online pet store
  2. edzbird

    edzbird Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2015
    Isle of Man
    just an interesting note - in the UK, all meat/meat by-products used in pet food can only come from animals passed "fit for human consumption" before slaughter.
    We feed Skinners Duck & Rice, it's cheap, the dogs like it and tolerate it well.

    * actually, I just noticed, they can also use "imported pet food" in processed pet food - that can't be good?
  3. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    I suppose it depends - when I was looking into the pet food I buy, I found the legislation around pet foods in the US and Canada were quite prescriptive, and there is much more information about pet food in Canada than there is in the UK. I wouldn't assume the UK has the highest standards for meat production....
  4. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    I got a reply from Royal Canin today:

    Thank you for your email enquiry to the Nutritional Helpline.

    In response to your e-mail, We select suppliers according to very strict criteria and ensure the quality of raw materials before delivery.

    We use choice meats which have passed veterinary inspection for human consumption and we use all meat fit for human consumption. We use the meat and also chicken liver as this is an essential source of natural Vitamin A, Vit E, Vit B12, Biotin, Folic Acid, Choline and Inositol(for cells, hair growth etc).

    We source the meat from either France, UK, Austria or Germany. All suppliers of the products also have to be registered and work in accordance to the regulations of the EU and the authorities.

    All our raw materials are sourced from suppliers that have given us assurances that no genetically modified material is used in their products. Raw materials are tested regularly to assure the quality is at a premium.

    We monitor quality, from the moment raw materials enter the factory to the moment they are packaged, using systematic tests and analysis. We ensure maximum traceability and knowledge at all times of the ingredients used in the food. Before we accept a delivery a sample is taken and tested to ensure that it is within our specification. If it does not reach the standards we require, the delivery is refused.
    pippa@labforumHQ likes this.
  5. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    They didn't quite answer my question.

    So we can assume that there is more than chicken included and other poultry is included - I have looked at the guidance from the pet food manufacturers' association and they explain that the term poultry is used when the source varies. For example, around Christmas more turkey tends to be included in pet foods than at other times to use up surplus supply from human food production. Nothing wrong with that, unless you wanted a single protein source and to be fair if you do there are other RC foods that provide this.

    As far as I can figure out the European Directive, if chicken feet etc is included the label must say "meat and animal derivatives" - this includes parts of the animals that humans would not normally eat.

    So I think that's still ok as an answer....hmm.....might just nip back and ask them to define 'meat' as used in their email reply...

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