Runny poos....

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by CDM, Feb 3, 2015.

  1. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    So Bella was up twice Saturday night needing to be let out for sloppy poos, Sunday seemed to get a bit better but last night she was up twice again with runny poos and one was waiting for me when I got home...

    She seems fine in herself, running around, eating and drinking but last night her tummy was making some funny noises!!! I carried on giving her her biscuits in smaller portions and no other treats, although she managed to snaffle a few crisps off the floor last night.

    Should I just keep an eye on her , carrying on re biscuits or try chicken and rice ...l..or should I be going to the vet? There's no blood or anything in her poo it's just very runny :(
  2. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Runny poos....

    I would try chicken and rice for 24 hours and see how she goes with that. Is she fine in herself - drinking, eating, playing etc? If not, call the vet.
  3. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: Runny poos....

    Yes she's absolutely fine - currently running around like a mad one!! Crunching on ice cubes as well and definitely not tired!!!
  4. Wendy68

    Wendy68 Registered Users

    Apr 14, 2014
    Re: Runny poos....

    I'd go for the chicken and rice option first. I've done this with Izzy in the past and its worked. She's maybe eaten something when out for a walk or have you given her a different flavoured treat? I find she's getting more tolerant as she gets older of different treats, but still has the odd sloppy poo.
  5. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: Runny poos....

    Only thing she's been having more of is rawhide chews? :eek:
  6. Wendy68

    Wendy68 Registered Users

    Apr 14, 2014
    Re: Runny poos....

    Possibly too much for her. Try rice bones.
  7. skooch

    skooch Registered Users

    Apr 25, 2014
    Re: Runny poos....

    What kind of rawhide chews? oddly the pressed type seem to go right through Kenzi but the whiter/rougher type are ok for her and don't impact her digestion.
  8. Berna

    Berna Registered Users

    Jun 27, 2014
    Re: Runny poos....

    If the diarrhea persists even after a couple of days of bland diet / no treats, you should go to the vet and bring a stool sample for testing. It may not be food related, bacteria or parasites could be causing the diarrhea.
  9. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Re: Runny poos....

    My two have have the odd episode of runny poo over the months. They're getting a lot less common as they get older. I just went with the chicken and rice (very sloppy) solution each time and they firmed up quickly. If it persists, definitely get it checked out, but I'd try the C&R first. Ice cubes are a good idea to help keep her hydrated, too.
  10. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: Runny poos....

    Do you mean actual chicken and rice or tinned stuff?

    She chews on the thick rawhide but doesn't finish them all or crunch them up.

    I've told puppy people not to give her any treats either.

    The look I got this morning when all she got was one kong with some boiled rice in :'(

    It's funny as she was ok Sunday but runny poos back again last night?!? I'll defo keep an eye on her thanks
  11. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Re: Runny poos....

    Actual chicken and rice. I cut up chicken breast into bite-sized chunks then put it in the water with the rice as I boil it. Then let it go cool and serve it up. Make sure it's sloppy so they get plenty of fluids.

    Puppies have sensitive bellies. Sometimes they seem to get runny for no reason at all. Just keep an eye on her and if it persists for more than 24 hours after feeding nothing but chicken and rice, give your vet a call/visit.
  12. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: Runny poos....

    [quote author=snowbunny link=topic=9766.msg141360#msg141360 date=1422962828]
    Actual chicken and rice. I cut up chicken breast into bite-sized chunks then put it in the water with the rice as I boil it. Then let it go cool and serve it up. Make sure it's sloppy so they get plenty of fluids.

    Puppies have sensitive bellies. Sometimes they seem to get runny for no reason at all. Just keep an eye on her and if it persists for more than 24 hours after feeding nothing but chicken and rice, give your vet a call/visit.

    Ok thanks I will try. I came home early and she was in her crate resting , no accidents, but full of energy, currently chomping on a rice bone...
  13. sunsetpines

    sunsetpines Registered Users

    Nov 12, 2014
    Re: Runny poos....

    My Bella has been struggling too...just too much all at once with her...lingering urinary crystals, her spay, vet wanting to switch her food and lordy only knows what she ate.... ::) it was just too much for her.

    Went with sloppy chicken and rice and probiotics with her until she firmed back up....and then VERY SLOWLY added her kibble back in....

    touched base with my vet about it since it was going on for a few days, but settled on the plan of slow reintroduction to her regular kibble, and will transition over to her new food just as slowly. She also had me switch from rice to oatmeal....since the rice was just going straight through her at the time. She felt fine and was her silly self through most of it...just more frequent and urgent potty breaks.

    A good probiotic is important when they've had more than just a quick bout of soft poos too - helps to avoid full on colitis...

    Hope your Bella feels better in a jiffy. I'd do the C&R until you have firm poo...and then 50/50 with her kibble as long as she stays firm for another 24...then back to normal diet.
  14. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: Runny poos....

    Thanks, she hasn't had a poo since this morning ( she had 3 sloppy ones) I didn't have any chicken so she had rice for breakfast and rice for lunch :'( cooked her up some chicken tonight so there's a bowl of sloppy chicken and rice waiting for her when she wakes up!! What probiotics do you mean???

    Sounds like you've had quite a few things to deal with?! How old is your Bella? My vet Is advising getting her spayed before her first season, which would work out much easier for me , but want to be sure that's the right move as breeder was adamant not too....l ::)
  15. sunsetpines

    sunsetpines Registered Users

    Nov 12, 2014
    Re: Runny poos....

    There are lots of probiotic products out there, not sure what is available to you in the UK. My vet sells a Purina product (Forti flora I think is the name), but there is also a Gentle Digest brand available at pet stores. I personally use a product from Thorne called Gastriplex. My last dog (Izzy) was a freebie-rescue type young puppy with horrible parasite issues when she was tiny and came home with me. After months and months and MONTHs of vet bills, medications, and frustration....we found Gastriplex and put her on it...and it worked beautifully for her - both short and long took over 9 months to fully heal her gut so that she could eat/poo "normally".

    After that experience with Izzy, we have kept Gastriplex in our medication cupboard and give it at the first sign of distress. (just my experience and I'm not a vet... ;) but love the product!)

    Yes, my little girl Bella has had a few stumbling blocks. A UTI with crystals to start with, and while the UTI has resolved, the crystals are still an issue. :-\ She is 21 weeks now.
    We had her spayed at 19 weeks - pretty much just to get it done as my vet advocates for the earlier the better since their recovery is faster. When she went to prep for the spay, she noticed evidence of crystals on her vulva (crusties), and knowing her history she opted to do a quick exploratory as well as the spay to ensure that her kidneys/bladder/ureters were all biologically correct to rule that out as an issue. It gave her a longer incision, but otherwise was fine. She has advised that I change her food to try and resolve the crystals, so we started that change...and BAM...another bout of tummy upset for little miss Bella. :(

    I have always done a spay before their first season if I don't intend to use them for breeding. In females the hormones don't fuel the growth like they do in males, so doing them early makes the most sense. It also reduces the risk of mammary cancer - per my I just do them early and get it over with. ;D
  16. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Re: Runny poos....

    [quote author=CDM link=topic=9766.msg141493#msg141493 date=1422989259]
    Sounds like you've had quite a few things to deal with?! How old is your Bella? My vet Is advising getting her spayed before her first season, which would work out much easier for me , but want to be sure that's the right move as breeder was adamant not too....l ::)

    There's no real evidence either way when it comes to whether it's best to spay before or after the first season. I've read on here that the Guide Dogs Association is doing the first study of its kind into the matter, with half its bitches being spayed before and half after (I think I have that right - Boogie?).

    With the evidence (or lack of) that currently exists and our personal circumstances, I've made the choice to have Willow done before her first season. I don't think there's really a right or wrong thing to do, but of course it's not easy to go against your vet's advice. My vet encouraged me to have Willow done before, but I had made up my mind that's what I wanted even before talking to him about it. If you're not sure, though, bring it up with your vet and read up on it as much as you can,t hen make as informed a decision as possible.

    I think in the USA they tend to spay bitches a lot earlier than in the UK as a matter of course.
  17. Piperandb

    Piperandb Registered Users

    Mar 25, 2014
    Re: Runny poos....

    So I was out for an hour. Piper and Buca had the run of the house. Bedrooms closed off. Counters cleared. Toilet paper put away. Fed them when I got home and Piper could hardly wait to go outside after. Explosive diarrhea. Hmmm. Buca was fine. When I looked around there were these tiny little pieces of what looked like chewed up wood. She has some sticks in her toy box. I figured she chewed those Two more liquid poos. I was worried. Gave her probiotics. We were up three times in the night to run outside. (!). Found more of those tiny chewed up bits and thought to myself 'what the heck are these from?' And then it dawned on me...there used to be a dried starfish on the bathroom counter. Used to be.
  18. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: Runny poos....

    Oh noooooooooooo :eek: poor puppy!!! That's pretty good going though with run of the house!!!

    Bella loves chomping on twigs but don't think that caused it ....but I've still no clue as to what's causing it but must be something as it's intermittent, she's loving her chicken and rice though! Came home to it on her nose with her bowl licked clean, upside down in her crate ;D ...what a disappointment when she starts back on kibble tomorrow , her poo has been ok today, small but firm! My only possible thoughts are a) treats from puppy sitter b) bits of sardine - god I hope not tho, she loves them!!! C) twigs?! D) something I can't catch her eating... Edit or e) rawhide chew!!!!

    But she's ok now ..thanks for the ideas. Best get the wormer in her now , was due Monday :eek:
  19. Wendy68

    Wendy68 Registered Users

    Apr 14, 2014
    Re: Runny poos....

    I decided to get Izzy some pro fibre stuff to try and firm up her poos, as they are sometimes a bit runny. Only just started her on it yesterday so ill let you know if it works.
  20. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: Runny poos....

    [quote author=Wendy68 link=topic=9766.msg141722#msg141722 date=1423085070]
    I decided to get Izzy some pro fibre stuff to try and firm up her poos, as they are sometimes a bit runny. Only just started her on it yesterday so ill let you know if it works.

    Yes let me know please :) re Archie - poor boy, but little Izzy gets herself too excited, putting her on the lead is a good idea - lots of links in here re same household dogs. Rosie is 6 so very active herself but Bella goes for her ears , poor love , she appears to accept it, to a point then pushes her over ::)

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