It's fine it's hard but I had him with Me so long I was lucky its just the final stuff very hard . Still keep expecting see him and I actually wondered were he'd got to today and almost called him in so strange when I forget
Got a very high temperature and have for a few days. So I've been dreaming about walking all my dogs and my favourite pony even showed up. Doug was young and I felt happy they were such nice fever dreams
Hi, hope you are better today! Nice dream, though. Why the high temperature? Sorry that I ask....just concerned about you.
I have pleurisy and have had to stop my chemo due to this. So I'm just trying to fight infection it made Me very trippy
Yes, hope you are better soon. No fun to be sick, but I guess if you have to be sick it's nice to have at least happy fever dreams....
I'm sorry to hear that you're sick, but that sounds like a lovely dream. It's always hard to wake up from them, though
I don't mind the trippy stuff at all And I'm sure I be better by next week. It's just annoying when I go off schedule .its just strange what your brain does. Doug seems like my pony, when I dream about him it's nice, comforting it times of stress .
I know exactly what you mean - my old dogs visit me sometimes in dreams; just to let me know they are all right and to check on me