I just reread your original post - so beautifully written, so heartfelt. Always moves me. Hard to believe almost a year has passed, yes. But the feelings still stay strong. Thinking of you.
It falls on my brother in laws wedding anniversary. The whole family were celebrating while I was comforting my dying dog.
Your original post had me in tears. What a gorgeous, lovely dog Doug was I'm sure it gets no easier! Thinking of you x
I been doing fine it's just like Emily Said the aniverseries are the worst. I'm going to take Rory out for a walk and that will help. Thanks everyone it just I need to verbalise I'll be fine its just so hard
Verbalise away...and a good plan to talk Rory out for a walk. A good dog walk helps so many things. My first anniversary with Brogan was this past Christmas and it was really bad news, almost as bad as first losing him, and I do not say that lightly. However once the anniversary was truly past (several weeks afterwards), I did start to feel lighter about it. Not missing him less, but I turned the corner of not just sitting and crying several times a day. Hopefully the load will get lighter for you as well.
Just read your O.P and cried my eyes out at my desk, heartfelt, emotional and Im sending big hugs at this time for you xxxx
Thanks it was a sad day but a year's gone by and I know if Doug was here he would be barking at me for getting upset. He would bark at me if i cried.All the good memories lighten the grief it just hard at the moment. Give your dog a big hug, best friend you will ever have.
I really do empathise , its almost a year since we lost Millie , so I am right there with you, virtually holding your hand . These dogs leave such a massive hole in our hearts , remember him with joy and comfort of the life well lived x
So sorry you are feeling so sad, it's something we all dread as we know the heartbreak involved. I haven't been through it but truly dread that awful time. Hope your walk helped you xxx