Not been on the beach for 4 days. Coco was sick this morning - 3 chunks of kelp stem, each about an 3/4 inch in diameter and an inch in length. He's a bugger for picking it up an munching down on it, and usually "leave! FFS LEAVE!" works. Now I know he's swallowed some I'm just a bit worried. Coco is perfectly fine in himself, and he polished off his breakfast with the usual gusto. He has been pooing, but now I'll be anxiously following him to make sure. I'm glad he's vomited some out, even if I was on my hands and knees, butt-naked this morning, scrubbing the carpet. No more beach until the kelp has disappeared.
Oh dear, not good. Even Ripple doesn't eat seaweed (please don't give him any ideas ). Hope Coco is okay.
Oh yes, Mollie loved seaweed stems! Luckily we are far from the beach and we only had one beach holiday with her. She adored the stuff .
Hope Coco is ok. I’m really surprised he ate seaweed as Molly has never done that -and she is a real scavenger.
Seaweed wouldn't be bad for them though would it? All those minerals etc, especially iodine? Obviously not good to be sick on the carpet though
I think dried up seaweed is the big threat, this will then reabsorb water & expand in the stomach/gut and potentially cause a blockage. Coco was chewing up the wet, fully expanded stems. I used to see a Lab who had to wear a muzzle due to a bad seaweed habit, she was quite ill the owner said. Our other 2 never ate the stuff, Belle played with it but she never ate it - and she was a renowned greedy pig!
When we were in Scotland for a week Hattie ate seaweed every day, I didn't worry as I thought it was good for her and it was only a week. Charlie didn't touch it. x
Nibbler ate lots of seaweed stems - not dried - when we were away in the western isles and was neither up nor down with it. I thought it might be quite good for him too. He is still here.
Thanks for your reassuring comments @charlie & @Nibbler's Mum - it was the shock of the size of the undigested chunks that panicked me. Coco does actually have a little kelp powder sprinkled on his dinner, so I know it's no bad in itself.