A couple of days ago, we walked past a fence with another dog on the other side. We walk past this fence almost every day and had never seen a dog there, so assumed she was visiting. Both my two went up to say hi, as to be expected. I gave them a couple of seconds, then carried on walking by, calling to them. Willow came straight away, but Shadow was having too much fun; they were both play bowing to each other through the fence, with very waggy tails and happy faces. He did come away after a little while, as I continued to walk away, looking back a couple of times. I found out yesterday that this bitch is currently in season. So, considering that, I'm delighted at how Shadow behaved. He was interested, yes, but not obsessed. This bitch is only about 200m away from our front door, but he hasn't run off to her once; we always pootle round getting towards where she is, doing attention work, and that hasn't been affected at all. I think I'm right in saying that his testosterone levels should be peaking around about now (11 months)? And they'll start to reduce towards adult levels in the next few months, until they're "normal" at around 18-24 months? Does that mean that I shouldn't expect his reaction to bitches in season to escalate any more? Or will he likely become more interested as he matures? Anyway, for now, I'm very happy with his reaction to this particular beautiful, flirty, girl!
What a good boy, that's a super reaction. My friend's boy, Zaba, is the same - playful and interested but not obsessed (just like we want our men )
Oh, it turns out she wasn't visiting; she lives there, but is inside most of the time. I've never seen her out and about, so I do hope she gets walked :/
Well done shadow. Just incase although I'm sure shadow will continue to be a perfect gentleman. In my experience the second and third week of a bitches season is when it gets too interesting !!! In the second week the bitch can roam looking for a dog. In the third week although the bitch is no longer interested the dog, or at least my two, get really interested. I wonder in the bitch gives off a sent that says it's nice or never. . Anyway just thought I'd mention it incase this is her first week then you can be prepared if Shadow starts being more interested.
Homer is quite laid back too. If we come across close contact with a dog on heat, yes he is more interested than with other dogs. In general I'm able to clip his lead on, he follows with me quite willingly, there might be a glance or two back. We walk on about 20 - 50 meters and I can up clip him, give him a treat or a ball to keep him distracted and off we go. On a very few occasions I've let him off lead again too early and he's gone back to the dog on heat.
I haven't got any experience Fiona,except the one at around 10/11 months and that wasn't anything like the interested but calm scenario you have just described.....imagine a huskie attached to a sled and you can pretty much picture how I was dragged across the park! So I hope Shadow continues to react so well x
Once the bitch reaches the 'hot spot' of her season, Shadow will suddenly become much more interested...
Apparently, she's nearly done already. So he'd have been smelling her scent for a couple of weeks already. He has been trying to hump his sister a couple of times a day, but he does that all the time anyway. She tells him where to go