Our black Labrador bitch is 6 years old and drinks loads and loads of water every day. This seems to happen especially lately straight after she has been out for a wee. She will have a wee and then comes straight back in and starts to drink loads of water in one sitting. Could this have something to do with the fact that she was spayed before she had her first season or could she have a medical problem? many thanks.
Sounds like she might have a UTI or kidney problem. Definitely take her to the vets. I don’t know about any link to spaying as I have only ever had dogs but someone else might do.
If this is something she has always done, I would be less concerned than if this is a new behaviour. Either way, a trip to the vets to least rule out any medical issues is in order.
If you estimate how much ml/l does she drinks per day? My dog also loves to drink but at the same time, she would play with water so I wasn't really alarmed by it.