Hello friends, My eleven month old Lab, Casper is shedding a lot of hair. Is this normal? Or should I take any precaution? Please advice.
It's normal. At his age he may be shedding some puppy coat. Most labs shed once or twice a year, some shed bits all year. The annual or biannual sheds will be mostly undercoat, is he double coated? Brush, brush, brush to keep removing shed hairs.
Totally normal. Lucan has just started his summer moult, in the sun he looks a reddish brown rather than black and his undercoat is coming out in chunks.
Thank you all. It has been a great help, as I was under the impression that he has some skin problems. Thank you once again.
Is there any other reason why you feel concerned? Such as chewing of paws, scratching or red, spotty skin?
I wouldn't worry unless he starts getting small bald spots or chewing in one spot. Dozer shredded like mad. The worst times was when changed climates from our travels. Going from Oregon to California for example, I swear that dog was going to end up bald. The worst was when we drove from MN to California and went from a -40 f to a sunny 80 degrees.
Oh how I wish that Ben shed his coat once or twice a year. Ben leaves his coat on the floor, in his bed, in the back of my car, all over my visitors clothes. Why do visitors always appear to wear black trousers so that his fur always shows up? Ben shed his coat 24/7 days of the year.
Wait--labs are supposed to only shed twice a year!? It appears Teller never got that memo either. I didn't think T would shed much because he has such a short coat for a lab... boy has he proven me wrong. The undercoat is still there, just almost impossible to see unless he's wet or unless you're riding along in my car. Note: That's only 1/4 of my car, OH and with a seat cover too!