I'm a first time dog owner, so I'm not really sure what to do. Max (8 months) managed to find a pork chop at the park yesterday. I don't know how or why there would be a pork chop in a park but that doesn't matter now. I couldn't get close enough to him to see if it was cooked or raw as it was covered in sand from the disused pitch and putt bunker he'd found it in. He wouldn't drop it and ate it fairly quickly. He's had vomiting and diarrhea since 2am. He's had upset tummies before but only loose stools and has remained his normal self. This time he is lethargic and refusing to drink. Should I wait a few hours before I worry or ring the vets now? Could they do anything anyway?
Re: Should I go to the vet? With the lethargy, I'd be getting him to the vet right now. If it was cooked, the bone may have splintered and be doing some damage inside. I'm also always paranoid about the prospect of poisoned food when out and about. Good luck.
Re: Should I go to the vet? Thank you, I'll give the vet a ring and see if I can take him this morning.
Re: Should I go to the vet? Make sure the vet sees you this morning! My daughter's dog died with a chop splinter stuck in her oesophagus, however, that is very rare, your dog may just have a nasty upset stomach from a rotten chop, but it is necessary to see vet. My dog ate some cooked chicken bones and I was in a state, but all was well.
Re: Should I go to the vet? Thank you everyone, Max is now at the vets. He is being put straight onto a drip and will be xrayed later to look for bone splinters or any other blockages.
Re: Should I go to the vet? Well done for your prompt action, Tomal. Let us know how he gets on. Fingers crossed for Max x
Re: Should I go to the vet? Well done for acting so quickly. Hope Max recovers quickly. Unfortunately labs are great scavengers and their own worst enemies when it comes to finding the wrong things.
Re: Should I go to the vet? Max is home! They x-rayed him and couldn't see any bone fragments so he must have vomited them all up. His intestines are partly swollen but they think that's just gas. He's come home with pro-biotic paste and rehydration sachets and we've got a follow up appointment tomorrow. Max is totally out of sorts but that's possibly because he has no energy to do anything. I'm guessing going to the vets was stressful when he was feeling ill anyway. Hopefully he'll start to feel a bit better soon. I agree Boogie that it was very suspicious to find a pork chop in a park. I wonder if the vet believed us or thought we were making excuses and had given it to him ourselves! It was only a few days ago that he found a dead rat on an off lead walk but he didn't eat that thank goodness! We'll be working to improve his "drop" command as soon as he's better!!
Re: Should I go to the vet? A real relief. You did the right thing - I would have been terrified the chop night have been poisoned and dropped on purpose - there are some horrible people out there.
Re: Should I go to the vet? You must feel so relieved. Always the best to go to the vet (even though very expensive!) so worth having your mind put to rest.
Re: Should I go to the vet? Glad max is home. I'm sure he'll be feeling better and back up to mischief soon.