Good day all, Me and the photos again. Finally got profile pic sorted out by reading every thread under "Technical and Help" and resizing my photo to 37x50. Also read everything about posting from Dropbox. I opened my account after 2005 so do not have a public folder and cannot install one because I do not have Dropbox Pro. But according to Dropbox, I can just right click on any photo I want to share, then click on "get the link" and the link is copied to my clipboard, ready to paste in a post. When I tried that (also highlighting it and clicking on image button), all I get is a little X in my post. So... I am wondering if my photos are too large. Can anyone please tell me what size they should be so that I can successfully post pictures? Thanks!
Re: Size of photos Hmm...size shouldn't matter if you are just adding a link. I am not sure why it would be doing that to you. I'll try with a pic from my Dropbox account... So, I've got the link...and have pasted it in with no tags around it (so, without clicking on any of the icons on this site). I think that worked?
Re: Size of photos Pretty ducks. Ok, let me try just pasting link:
Re: Size of photos Yes, yours worked too Hooray! What a great photo She looks so happy. Edit because I said he at first and she's a she!!
Re: Size of photos Thanks Rachael, you're a star! Now I can go put a picture of the two of us on my introduction post. Yes, she is a happy dog, tail is going to fall off one day from wagging it all the time. She's so special and I'm grateful for her every day!
Re: Size of photos I can see your pictures if I click, but my drop box ones show in my posts. I use the public folder and wrap my pics in the image tags to get this..... Although I do reduce the size all all the pics first using paint. If I just paste the link from normal folder I get this 09.50.40.jpg I used this advice - half way down it shows how to enable public folder - on Sophie's new drop box last year and it seemed to work - not sure if it still does. I would be interested to hear if you can still do it as I keep telling everyone!