Sleep help?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Lolly3980, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. Lolly3980

    Lolly3980 Registered Users

    Nov 1, 2014
    Hi everyone, I have just joined this page after getting my first lab puppy (a gorgeous wee chocolate boy called Rollo) on Saturday. I've read Pippas book which I found really helpful and so far things mostly seem to be going well. My question is whether I can do anything to help pup know it's time to go back to sleep after his night time toilet trip as he goes into his crate well at night and settles quickly (so far anyway although we've only had 3 nights so very early days) but after he's been out during the night for the toilet he's then howling the house down when I put him back in. I've kept the night time toilet trip as quiet and boring as possible and I know you're not meant to go to them when making a noise but does that mean literally just leaving him to howl no matter how long it goes on for? We've 2 young kids which he's waking if he howls too long so this morning he had the whole family up from about 4.45am. Not a big deal really as we totally expected it all to take time and be pretty disruptive initially but I'm just wondering if there's anything else I can do to help the situation. Also, how long should he be quiet before being 'rewarded' (ie being let out) as I feel like it's still sort of rewarding the howling when I let him out even if he's been quiet for a minute or so but then worry if I don't let him out he won't learn that being quiet was a good thing. Not sure that makes sense?! Sorry in advance as I'm sure this won't be my first question as he's our first pup and I really want him to grow up to be a happy, content and well behaved boy so trying to get things right from the start..... Thanks in advance for any advice x
  2. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Sleep help?

    Hi and welcome to the forum :) how old is your pup? We all love photos when you get a chance ;)
    There are lots of posts on here from people having the same problem.

    Have a look at this link as it has lots of advice and suggestions.
  3. MrsB

    MrsB Registered Users

    Oct 10, 2014
    Re: Sleep help?

    We've had our puppy for 3 weeks now. 1st night was awful, 2nd a bit better and since then she has only cried once in the night and that was because (for some reason) she was desperate for the toilet at an unusual time.
    On our 3rd night we put a blanket over her crate so she felt more secure and we didn't hear a peep from her. She moved down to the kitchen on the 5th night and her crate is under the counter and between the wall and fridge so she is really "enclosed" - maybe try this as it certainly helped (and still does when we are away from home).
    The other thing we struggled with was Ruby thinking that middle of the night was a good time to play - it most definitely isn't! What we do now is go down, turn on a dim light and go through the whole process without saying a single word (except good girl when she wees!!). She now knows that as soon as she goes it's back inside and straight into her crate. no prompts needed.
    With the "how long do you leave them for" I really can't advise but I'm sure someone else will. Just thought I'd share what works for us.
  4. Rolokris

    Rolokris Registered Users

    Oct 14, 2014
    Re: Sleep help?

    Hello, great name for your pup. I have Rolo who is a chocolate lab and is now 15 weeks old. I agree with the other posts, be silent as you go out for the toilet praise him softly for relieving himself and lead him gently back in again. During the day make the crate a nice and cosy environment. Those first few nights are so hard for the little pups who will be missing their mums and siblings. I was advised to put an old hot water bottle in the crate and also something that smells of you. I totally sympathise with trying to keep the house quite I have 2 children 10 and 6 and am always concious of the noise in a morning, not wanting to wake the children up 2 things will happen 1. Rollo will learn that it is night time and that he needs to get to sleep again and 2. The children will switch off to the noise he makes. During the night if Rolo needs to go out he will whine and make a noise to get my attention (he is downstairs in the kitchen) the next morning I will ask the kids did you hear Rolo in the night and they always say no. They switch off to it, it's all new at the minute but things will calm down. You have found an amazing site here I am on here several times a day reading all the posts and have on several occasions needed advice and I have got it and it has all really helped. Rolo is my first ever dog and I was (and still am at times) overwhelmed with it all it will get easier.

  5. Lolly3980

    Lolly3980 Registered Users

    Nov 1, 2014
    Re: Sleep help?

    Thank you so much for all the advice everyone, it's really appreciated. Last night I put a towel over his crate and didn't speak at all during the night apart from saying good boy and giving a wee pat after he done the loo. He didn't cry at all last night which was great so I'm not sure if that was down to the towel, silence or just the fact he's getting more settled here. I'm still finding it hard to know how long to wait before deciding he doesn't need the toilet as I took him out just after 11 & we were out for about 15mins & he had pooed pretty much as soon as we went out but wouldn't wee so I eventually assumed he didn't need and put him in his crate for the night at 11.30 and on previous nights he's then slept about 4 hours before waking but last night he woke at 12.50 and when I took him out he weed straight away then went back in the crate no probs then woke again at 3 & done both poo & wee right away then back in no probs and he's still sleeping now. He was briefly woken at 6 when my kids woke (they're 9 months and 2) but didn't seem to have any problem going back to sleep. I'm exhausted but know it'll be totally worth it. Thankfully my baby only stopped waking in the night a couple of months back so I think my body clock is still pretty used to it :) . Thank you again for the help. Kris I get the feeling I may be like you too and use this site loads. Oh & what excellent taste in names you have :) :) :)
  6. Lolly3980

    Lolly3980 Registered Users

    Nov 1, 2014
    Re: Sleep help?

    Oh and I would love to share some pics with you (& see yours) but I've no idea how. I'm on an iPad, how do I do it? Apologies, technology isn't my strong point.....
  7. MrsB

    MrsB Registered Users

    Oct 10, 2014
    Re: Sleep help?

    Sounds like you had a much better night! Strange that he didn't wee after 15 minutes - how long was it since the last time you had been out? Are you taking water away before bed?
    We lift Ruby's water bowl at 9:30 ish and she goes out for her last wee between 10 and 10:15pm then is ok until 5:30am now!! :)
    Hope everything continues to improve for you.

    Also trying to figure out how to upload a picture - absolutely no idea! :D
  8. Yvonne

    Yvonne Registered Users

    Mar 9, 2014
    Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
    Re: Sleep help?

    I still cover Cooper's crate at night (he is eight months). When he was a small pup (8+ weeks or so) I got him out for his last business at 11PM, then I woke him at 3 AM and then at 6AM. But he very quickly went from 11PM to 5 AM and then from 11PM to 6 AM and now he puts himself to bed at 9 and goes through 7 AM !!!
    So covering the crate is a "must" I think and extending his "get-up" to wee time is also a must. I know you have had him for three weeks but how old is he?
    Just make sure he feels safe in his crate,and be strong......he will get better day by day (or night by night!). Good luck.
  9. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Re: Sleep help?

    For the pictures, you need to upload them to a photo sharing site like flickr, imgur, dropbox and then paste the link in here.
  10. MrsB

    MrsB Registered Users

    Oct 10, 2014
  11. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Sleep help?

    If you go on to the technical section it will give instructions on several ways you can post photos. Look forward to lots of photos ;)
    So cute Ruby :D
  12. Rolokris

    Rolokris Registered Users

    Oct 14, 2014
    Re: Sleep help?

    Rolo chews the bars too. Ruby keeps her bedroom very tidy, Rolo is a true boy and has his toys all over.

    Lolly3980 - I don't know how I have managed it but Rolo will wee on command. Since we brought him home when he looks at the back door I ask him do you want wee wees? When we go out to do wees I say do your wee wees and when he has done a wee I say good boy you did a wee wees. The neighbours think I'm loopy but hey comes in very handy just before you take him into the vets. Lol. I'm going to try covering Rolo's crate tonight see if he sleeps a bit later than 6am.

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