Sleeping Advice Needed

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Funkygeorge, Aug 3, 2015.

  1. Phoenix88

    Phoenix88 Registered Users

    Jul 31, 2015
    Hi Rosemary,

    Getting a smaller crate was my first choice but I think now we will have to settle for a divider in a 36inch but i'm hoping to find one that comes with a divider, these so many different sizes!

    I guess there's so many options and i'm trying to cover all of them (garden training only, puppy pads at night, a play pen with puppy pads) I hope we are as lucky as you can have no night time accidents and then all this worrying will have been for nothing :).

    I think final decision is a 36 inch crate to start, with a divider plus a puppy pen for the days that we are at work in the day and he may be left for up to 2 hours before the doggy day care lady can come and play with him. At least then he will have some pads outside of his bed to wee on and we cover night time accidents that way too.

  2. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Phoenix88 Hi Daniella, sounds like a practical solution. I think that's what we love about the forum. There's so much experience, and different ideas for approaching life with a puppy that you can work out a practical solution for your own situation. Looking forward to some photos :D:D
  3. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    She has a puppy pen day and night time but puppy pads only at night. I don't leave her longer than an hour during the day and don't leave pads then :)

    She is pretty good toilet training wise, we still have about one or two accident a day, she's twelve weeks old today. She's great at indicating she needs a poo but not with a wee, so the accidents happen when I'm distracted.

    Here is out set up (Tatze sometimes squeezes in there with her! :) )

  4. Funkygeorge

    Funkygeorge Registered Users

    Jul 24, 2015
    Hi, sorry it's been a while but it's been a busy summer with the kids off school. Bella did well for a while but then went backwards, so after two months of broken sleep we decided to try her in our room (she had slept in the same room with me at my parents when we visited) and she sleeps till we get up at 6.45/7am - no more barking, which clearly was because she felt lonely. She still moves around at about 5am but she goes back to sleep and without the barking we don't really register it. It's only been four nights so far but I reckon a few weeks of this and I might start to feel normal again and not feel so tired! Her bladder is great now, she's definitely changed over the summer, she can go from 9.30pm till 7am and during the day she isn't needing to go all the time. Shame it didn't stop the barking but she has us around so much that she must just want to be with us. We are hoping as she gets older she will fall asleep downstairs in the evening and just stay there until she comes upstairs in the early hours. She barely uses her crate now unless I am at work and I reckon in a month or two we will start leaving her in the kitchen without it. We are lucky she has never attempted to destroy anything in the house, she has plenty of toys to occupy her and we change them around regularly. It's not ideal having her in our room but sleep is more important!
  5. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    So glad you are getting some sleep . We put Harley in our room at around 12 weeks old and she would sleep 11pm til 10am easily each day. It made a huge difference with her not barking and waking everyone up. You will feel human again soon
  6. Funkygeorge

    Funkygeorge Registered Users

    Jul 24, 2015
    Thanks Naya, I am definitely starting too :) yesterday we even overslept slightly but thankfully not enough to make my son late for school lol!

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