Re: Small Black Dog being sick Pongo sends sympathy. He says he can't IMAGINE not wanting to have food, and that it must be the Worst Thing Ever. Big licks to SBD.
Re: Small Black Dog being sick Hmmm! Not quite out of the woods. She had a very small lunch and about an hour later a very gentle walk out. She's just brought a bit up again. Not much but a little bit.
Re: Small Black Dog being sick Can you give her electrolytes? If she's being sick so much, it might help her? I don't even know if this is a "thing" for dogs?
Re: Small Black Dog being sick Sorry about poor lady David. Also sorry I've only just caught up with this. :-\ I'd keep her off food for 24 hours unless the vet has told you otherwise. Then a third of the amount she should have building up by a third each day. The usual advice for vomiting is to starve unfortunately. Also the antiemetic causes the stomach muscles to contract to stop the vomiting. (I think I've got that right :-\) This can make dogs uncomfortable although it sounds like she's been fine with that but it might not help with eating. :-\. My old lab had an antiemetic once and reacted to it. He couldn't settle, was obviously uncomfortable and kept wandering around for a few hours. I called the vet and they explained about the muscles contracting etc. I o hope she's feeling better very soon. Fingers crossed.
Re: Small Black Dog being sick Thanks Guys. It's good sharing these things. Thanks, Jen. The vet actually suggested small amounts to see how she's getting on but wasn't very specific about when to start other than if she can't keep it down I need to take her back sooner rather than later and within 24 hours in case it's an obstruction. She's just had a token amount and is asleep. Looks like a proper sleep as compared to yesterday when she was sleeping fitfully or just lying awake. Eyes tight shut at the moment and breathing quite normally. I'll try another small portion later.
Re: Small Black Dog being sick Fingers crossed that she's on the up now. She's just pulled the knob off the radiator valve in the hall. :
Re: Small Black Dog being sick Well done Lady that's what we like to hear a bit of home destruction must be on the mend.
Re: Small Black Dog being sick Funny how we think we could easily live without all their antics - then are so glad to see mischief return when they are poorly.