Our telephone line failed a few days ago and BT came out to fix it. The fault was in a joint at the end of our drive-way so they dug a hole one day, repaired the joint the next, and today they are filling in the hole. SBD went ballistic when the men started on the hole, but calmed down after a bit, but it's so funny! She's sitting at attention watching them work in the street but every time a workman sets even one foot on our drive-way she goes ballistic again and comes running looking for me and huffing and puffing! ;D
Re: Small Black Dog Protects Family Home! Such a brave soldier. She's not allowing luminous clad monsters anywhere near. ;D
Re: Small Black Dog Protects Family Home! She makes a good site supervisor You need to get her a hi-vis vest.
Re: Small Black Dog Protects Family Home! Now, if you could just get her to bark every time that they stop work you'd have the work done in no time