My uncle's Husky puppy Violet has just been bitten by a Puff a Adda snake on her face. They live in South Africa and Puff Addas are deadly poisonous fortunately they've managed to get her to the vet and anti venom treatment but still very much touch or go. I can only imagine what they are going through.
Re: Snake bite on a puppy's face Oh my word, how terrifying! Everything crossed that Violet pulls through
Re: Snake bite on a puppy's face How awful Snake bites happen where I live too (Australia) and, though it's very expensive, treatment with anti-venom is usually successful. So I hope the pup will pull through. A horribly stressful situation..... Fingers crossed.
Re: Snake bite on a puppy's face Oh my goodness , what a terrible thing to happen , I hope pup will be ok
Re: Snake bite on a puppy's face How frightening, poor little puppy I hope Violet recovers :'(. All fingers and paws crossed for her, please let us know. xxx