I been so careful with Rory. Yesterday the one day when he's not got his harness on he threw himself against his collar. It made him gag. I was really upset and worried about him. He was fine for about 8 hours then he started to choke. Spoke to the emergency vet they think he may have bruised his throat or got kennel cough. He's got all the symptoms of kennel cough and he's bring up that foamy bile. My older dogs had it years ago and what he's doing is very similar to that they did. He's fine ate hid breakfast happily just coughing do worried and upset about him just hoping I've not damaged him it would kill me. But I hope its not kennel cough too. Going to the vets soon
I really think he has kc or some other type upper respiratory infection he's constantly clearing his throat and bringing up foamy bile
Aw, poor Rory. It certainly sounds more like a bug than any damage. I hope the vet can give you something to make him feel better.
Sounds like kennel cough. My springer had it years ago and looked very much as you're describing. I expect pulling against his collar is just coincidence. Good luck at the vets.
Poor boy - it does sound like kennel cough. What a shame after your lovely walk yesterday. Hope he starts to feel better soon.
Does sound like a sore throat from a bug, not the collar. That is still a bummer though.... Hope it goes well at the vet's.
We're sneaking him in at the end of surgery. I'm sure it's kc problem is I've got a frail elderly dog staying with me at the moment with a grade 4 heart murmur and stomach cancer very worried about him. Seriously worried
What a worry for you, perhaps the vet will have some ideas about the elderly dog. Will be thinking of you.
It's is and my brave little darlings has a temp too. Got to keep an eye on the old boy. Fingers crossed
My other dogs had it a few Years ago they were both ok apparently there's a lot about in this area at the moment
Aw poor Rory, I hope it passes quick. We have a lot of kennel cough in our area right now too as well as parvo.
He'll get over it soon and no doubt the vets have prescribed meds if necessary. Its rife here too. Best wishes for you both.
Get well soon Rory. There's a lot of kennel cough going around here too. Decided to have Coco vaccinated against it when he went for his boosters, but there are different strains, so not guaranteed protection.
Good luck to you. I've never dealt with Kennel Cough so I'm not to up to date on it but it sounds like something that can be cured over time? I do wish you luck with your sick-lings. May they recover fully.
Even having been vaccinated our pups/dogs can get kennel cough....it is very contagious so if Rory came in contact with a dog that had it, it was passed on to him quickly. Cooper got it when he was less than 6 months old from a dog at the groomers.....even though he had been vaccinated. I heard him cough at 3AM one Sunday morning and thought he was choking to death, put him in the car and drove like a mad-woman to the emergency vet we have. Of course THEY knew it was kennel cough....I had no idea. Even so, they told me I needed x-rays and all kinds of "stuff" and, when I got their bill, it was $600 ....yes, six hundred dollars. I almost passed out! Well worth it though, because I learned my lesson. Now I know what it sounds like plus I am very careful who I let Cooper play with AND the day care I take him to is very strict with their rules about ALL vaccinations up to date. Kennel cough sounds awful but it's like a cough for us.....not great but not dangerous....BUT very contagious so Rory should be keeping to himself for a couple of weeks! Good luck.....and be very patient with him because he will feel fine except for that awful cough.....