HELP!!! My home has been overrun by little white hairs. They stick to my eyelashes. They tickle my lips. They coat my clothes. Sometimes, I can feel them, but I can't see them. I think I eat about 56 dog hairs a day. I vacuum about that many times a day too. It is January here in Wisconsin, which means Spring will arrive in a fashionable manner. Like, not until April if we are lucky. But, Aspen is shedding like CRAZY. Is it too early to be losing his winter coat? January is such a cold month here, but he isn't bothered by the cold. It just seems like its too soon to be losing the winter coat. Like I said, Spring and warmer weather probably won't arrive for another 2-3 months.
We are mid winter here for us too, spring will be here around March/April, and Axel is also shedding like crazy. I brushed and vacuumed up enough hair to make another Labrador yesterday. It was all basically the guard hairs (he doesn’t have much for undercoat), so I wasn’t sure if this is his summer coat finally shedding out or if he’s losing his winter coat already after having a couple weeks of weather above freezing.
Strange, it's January here in Andorra, too, even with the time difference.... Sorry. My lot are also all shedding like mad!
Bailey likes to share his beautiful hairy coat with his hoomans at all times - and he is very generous with it too!
Lol Max has lost enough hair to make two other labs, no matter how many x I brush him and Hoover, I can still see it lying on the floor. After having a bath and seeing all of his black hairs in the bottom of the bath as if he has had the bath not me ! I think the hair dropping is slowing now, fingers crossed until the next time.
Its a lab thing its fish fingers chips peas and lab hair or beans and hair on toast or your just sitting down looking at the tv and bam you have a lab hair in your mouth lool