Poor Moo nothing she was twinkling at the vets pretending she was fine anyway she does have a abcess in her tooth. I knew what it was just as we were leaving her face was so swollen she looked like a sad faced Labrador donkey. So she's had her painkillers upped and a mega dose of anti biotics injected and some tablets until we get home. My vets are liasing with them and she will have the opp to take out her tooth when we get back.she is being hand fed musy dog food because she feels better if I do that and little pieces of venison she can manage that. She was so adorable at the vets and her face is going down now in fact she's feeling perky despite everything. Yeah moo!shes a tough luttle devil
It happened to me I ended up lossing 3 teeth and part of my jaw so there was no way i was going to wait . she is so worth it such an amazing little thing.shes wagging her tail and excited to go out. I love this unconquerable little fiend
Well she is 14 and has a heart murmur and slight renal impairment so we are not out of the woods yet, but shes feeling better now. Next week is next week. She's got lamb for tea and her face doesn't hurt so much
Her poor little face though she's been stamping her foot at me for bits of salmon and mackerel and rolling round on her bed with her legs in the air
Her face looks big again. I've got everything crossed and am praying to the god of little norty doggies.
I was worried when I went to bed she seemed worse, but quess who barked at 5am for me to get up. It was a funny bark a bit muffled. She really wanted a big breakie she's had nice soft lamb lots of drugs. She is a lot brighter happier and seems more like herself.