Benson says....He was only able to eat Brambles food as the special Lambie network was offline...probably busy with puppy. I won't do it again cos I sicked some up, had an injection, then went to sleep for ages..missed my tea AND breakfast!
Oh mate.... that's just terrible. I don't know what to say. OK, I hear you.... I'll stay clear of the Bag of Doom. Thanks for the warning. Pongo xxx
Hope he's feeling OK now. Tarka and Lochan did this once, got into the dog food cupboard and scoffed (at a conservative estimate) 3kg between them. Tarka was the most affected, kept trying to vomit but couldn't, which is always a bit worrying. They were absolutely huge. And desperately thirsty, and I wouldn't let them drink more than a couple of millilitres at a time to avoid the kibble swelling rapidly and making matters worse. Lochan felt fine, couldn't work out what all the fuss was about and demanded her dinner about 40 minutes after the scoffing incident - you have to admire her effort. I have never seen so much poo in the garden afterwards, seriously poo bags just couldn't handle it, had to be a shovel and a carrier bag. One thing to watch out for after a scoffing incident is the possibility of pancreatitis developing afterwards, especially if the food scoffed was high fat. So if he looks fine today, then starts to look miserable again tomorrow with abdominal pain and possibly vomiting it's another rapid trip to the vet I'm afraid. Fingers crossed he's absolutely fine.
We managed his first class gundog training. We were very careful, however as his abdomen had gone down a bit we thought it safe, most of the class was standing around, or in the classroom so that was fine. We have been feeding really small meals, but avoiding kibble, so a little cooked chicken with a small amount of sensitivity canned food we had left over from Casper. Today he is back to his slim self and wondering why he is being STARVED!
I think the Lambie network is active....Simba somehow managed to get stuck in the downstairs laundry room where there just happened to be an opened bag of dog food Amazingly we heard a whine and went to find him, imagine my shock when I realized where he was. I'm not quite sure how much he ate but he definitely made an impact on the bag...the weird thing is the fact that he didn't eat it all! I think the fact that he was shut up in the room was distressing him enough that he couldn't concentrate....phew. Anyhow no dinner for him that night and no breakfast, but he didn't swell up at all and barring a late night visit to the garden and a poo inside when we got home from being out the next morning (should have thought of that!) no damage done.
Simba, you continue to excel in the food pilfering stakes. Glad that Benson is ok. That must've made for a very sore tummy...
they do like to put the wind up us don't they. Midge ate about 2 lbs or uncooked bacon form a local hotel(don;t ask her explots are legendary) she was square burppy and couldn't walk when I eventually found her. I slowly walked her home isolated her in the kitchen and left her with water. She then threw up leaving what looked like a pile of eels then tried to eat it again. I quickly cleared it up and then like you spent a very worring few hours until the system cleared itself. So glad he's ok she also ate about 6 fat balls for birds from a local garden. she had explosive bottom action every 30 mins for a bout 4 hours. I spent all night looking after her and was giggling at one point as I kept thinking about the joke about the squirrel and what has a hazel nut in every bite. I really amazed she's survived to nearly 13 she is the most cheeky annoying loveable lab ever
Pongo is pleased to hear his mate Benson is feeling better but is outraged that you are starving him.