Thanks to great advice, mainly from Heidrun , Sam is now delivering to hand beautifully every time , hardly have to say Dead anymore . Whilst I`m really pleased with this , he is now needing some help with the stay . I think ( probably wrong ) that know that he is delivering so nicely, his eagerness to please has hampered his ability to stay , or rather my ability to get him to stay . He sits immediately when told , but then it goes to pieces , would it be best to keep him on his slip lead to ensure the stay or just back to basics by placing the dummy just a yard or so from him , until he gets used to the stay command again , thank you .
Re: Sorted one aspect , lost another ! Did you see the over-excitement topic in Gundog training and fieldwork? There's quite a few steadiness options in there. Good luck
Re: Sorted one aspect , lost another ! Thanks for the reminder Barbara , had forgotten it, will have a read when I get back from the beach
Re: Sorted one aspect , lost another ! Kate,I read your posts and am in awe......You truly are a hero ;D no pun intended