I'm trying to get into on Paul (Carbon's friend) so that Miry the Miraculous can put him up as a candidate for Bodeguero rescue in Germany. I finally got an answer from the head of the refuge that she'll get the info for me tomorrow, but that his name is actually "Power". Uh no. That's not going to work for me. It's bad enough that Carbon is Carbon. Naming a Bodeguero "Power" is just bad juju. So now I need to campaign for a name change on top of everything else.
And that's the big point for me. It would be so easy to despair because of the size of the task. But "one dog at a time" is right - every single success story makes a big difference.
Oh, Emily.....is there a box of Kleenex big enough? Charlotte for sure tugs on my heartstrings. Paul is just the cutest. I hope your next adventures brings you the dog you need for yourself xx
I think the answer to that is 'no'. Well, he's landing in my living room tomorrow, so we'll see what new adventures that will mean!
Yes, Señor Carbon is coming to stay as a foster. Crate all set up, chewies, Kongs and Stuffies at the ready. Let the Labrador games begin!
Honestly, I don't know if that's better than the English pronunciation or not! And as someone pointed out to me on FB, if you mistakenly switch around the 'b' and the 'r' the name becomes the Spanish equivalent of a (much ruder) version of "sausage head". Poor guy just can't win. Maybe we should hold a 'Give this poor dog a better name" contest?
Oh gosh, is it? I've been saying "Car-bon" ("bon" like the French pronunciation), which sounds ok to me. Paul is "Pol", again like the French Yeah, I can't speak Spanish.