Stage 4 renal failure...what to do

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Axel_Boy, May 8, 2024.

  1. Axel_Boy

    Axel_Boy Registered Users

    May 8, 2024

    So my 7 year old Labrador has been diagnosed with stage 4 renal kidney failure

    This has come as a shock to me and my family as we did not see any signs. The only sign I can think of is he got a bit thinner of late but he has always been a thin Labrador

    Literally in the space of a weekend he has gone all lethargic and not eating or drinking. He only eats or drinks when I literally have to make him

    I had him at the Vet and they ran blood tests and the figures were all high. They kept him on a drip to try flush the kidneys but when they reran the blood tests the figures were still high

    The vet does not give him much time

    We have the terrible choice now of euthnasing him or making him as comfortable as possible for who knows how long

    I know euthanasia is the right thing but I can't feel like I am killing him and who gives me the permission to kill another living creature

    He is not himself. He is just lying around and maybe got up twice in the day to go pee but then straight after he is exhausted

    I am told that he is not in pain so then I think is he not happy then just to lye around with us his family for what most likely is his last few days. He definitely is not the exuberant dog that I am used to that howls at the birds and chases balls. Now he just lies around

    We brought him home to say good bye and now I feel torn. I was on the way to take hom to the vet to euthanize him this evening when my 11 year old son begged me not to

    So he will stay the evening and we will see in the morning. I don't want to lie to my son about taking him to be euthanized but also he is unable to deal with this emotionally

    As I sit here next to my Labrador he is at peace, wagging his rail every now and again. He ate some renal food and drank some water and I am left thinking is this really so bad. He is amongst those that love him. If his days are indeed numbered then he can spend those with us but then I also think I am just being selfish for me

    If he had been 14 years old this would have been more expected and easier to deal with

    I don't want to go to sleep tonight as it's going to make tomorrow come quicker and I am going to be looking for any sign of hope not to do this

    I have prayed and prayed for guidance but don't feel I know what to do. I wish my cabbie could talk to me and tell me what he wants

    I also hate myself for not finding this ealier and perhaps something could have been done to extend his life

    I am a mess. I love my pets and their passing destroys me each time

    I guess I just needed to get this off my chest and to hear thoughts and experiences of others. I know in the end the decision is mine. I wish that if it is the end he would pass naturally but also won't keep him living a reduced quality of life waiting to see when this happens

  2. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hi there,

    Welcome to the forum, I so sorry your joining us in such sad circumstances, my heart goes out to you and your son.

    I'm afraid I have very little to offer you in the way of advice, except to say that your love for your dog shines through your post, and I'm certain that you've given him a wonderful life and the best possible care, and that there was nothing you could have done to change how things have turned out.

    I also think you might find comfort in this post Pippa wrote for our Labrador Site, and the many many comments left by our readers who have been where you are now.

    With very best wishes and a hug,

    Axel_Boy and Edp like this.
  3. Axel_Boy

    Axel_Boy Registered Users

    May 8, 2024
    Thank you

    I have read the post and added my comment

    I think what hurts the most for me is he was only 7 and I did not see the signs of this coming
  4. Sammie@labforumHQ

    Sammie@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    May 19, 2011
    I'm so sorry for your loss. What a shocking and awful experience for you. It sounds like you've been incredibly brave and made a really difficult choice to reduce the chance of your pup suffering. Sending so much love to you and your family. ❤️
    Last edited: May 11, 2024

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