Thanks everyone - no more throwing up so that's good. He's got me right where he wants me though - I was worried he wasn't drinking enough so I was trying to entice him with the bowl. Nothing! So I cupped the water in my hand and he would lick it up. He's like no peasant - you must serve me the water oh well! What Stanley wants Stanley gets
Poor Stanley! What an experience for him at the vet.... If he is reluctant to drink you could add some tuna flakes or similar to encourage him
Hugs to Stanley - I hope he gets over his traumatic vet visit. We've had 2 dogs that hated the vets - especially Scooby. Belle just shut down when she got into the consulting room - after wrecking the displays in the waiting room. Coco isn't TOO bad - did I really say that?.
Glad Stanley is OK and doing better. Back to normal hopefully today. Sure the next Vet visit will be fine...
Poor Stanley, so glad he has perked up a bit. You could put ice cubes in a bowl for him if he's not keen on drinking. Kisses to Stanley from us xxx
Thank you He's managed to keep his tea down and has been drinking more. So fingers crossed by tomorrow he'll just be back to normal x
He's much better today thank you We've had no sickness for over 24 hours so I think he's on the mend! X
I'm so glad to hear that Stanley's illness was just a short thing. I have all my fingers and toes crossed that he doesn't react badly the next time you visit the vet's. My gut tells me that he'll be fine and he'll be back to being a shameless flirt