Our little pup has just turned 12 weeks and was regularly going through the night without needing to poo. For the last two nights she has cried to be let out for a poo around 3/4am. Last meal has been around 6/7pm each day but over the last few days she has stopped pooing before going to bed (10pm), I’m assuming hence why she needs to go in the night. Do I move the last meal forwards in hope she poos before sleep? Or backwards so she can make it through to morning (6am)? She is on 3 meals of kibble and poos are dark and firm ish. Thankyou
Hi Stef JH, We had this with our, now five month old pup, when he was 12 weeks or so. We moved his last meal forward to five o'clock and it did the trick.
Hi Stef Toby starting doing this too. They just need routine and better control. Once you are out walking you could feed a bit earlier and then go for a short walk. Does the trick with Toby. One meal in. One meal out!