Finn still likes to whine in his crate if I am in the apartment. I am wondering if it is still possible to do "click for quiet" with him at this point. He sleeps in the x-pen in my room at night in a bed, and when I'm home and need him out of the way for a bit he goes in the kitchen. He rarely whines in the kitchen for very long if I'm home. He goes in the crate with a kong when I have to leave the apartment completely. However, in the crate he will whine NON STOP if I am home or in the other room. If I leave the apartment, he whines for a little bit, then falls asleep in the crate and seems quite fine (puppy cam). If I forget something and have to return home for 30 seconds, he starts with the whining again until I leave. He goes into the crate willingly and doesn't seem to have separation anxiety. It's literally that if he can see me, he wants out. I would like to be able to take him camping and on trips and he would have to sleep in the crate as taking the X-pen is not really that practical. Is doing click for quiet with him still a practical goal? I haven't tried it yet, I had been avoiding the crate with me at home but after thinking about taking him on a trip I would need to use the crate and have him be quiet. Also, I may need to have someone dogsit him in a month and a half (in their home) and he really needs to have good crate habits for that to be a viable thing.
He might not whine if you aren't there. Are you staying strictly to the rule of not letting him out until he is quiet? Perhaps he has learned that if he whines, you let him out (inadvertently taught this of course).
Yes....he is quite persistent! From day one I never let him out if he was whining...that was the one thing I was pretty good with being consistent. I waited for at least 10-15 seconds of quiet. Perhaps I reinforced the whining by coming into the room from another room while he was whining? (just doing daily chores?) And yeah, he gets quiet pretty quick once he knows I'm gone, as seen on puppy cam. As I am typing this he just went into his crate voluntarily for a nap for one of the first times EVER. Door is open though.
My pup did this if I was working in the room next to the kitchen where she has her crate. She also does it if I am in the same room with my son and we are talking, unless she is asleep. I think it's just about wanting company, like you say, if he can see you he wants out. It's tough hearing them whine isn't it? But I think you have to ride it out.