My male lab seems to be stinky. ALL the time. Even after a bath, he has this odor to him. Is this normal? Anyway way to possibly him to not be Stinky? It's not really too bothersome, but when we have guests they all say he needs a bath. (Little do they know I had just given him one in the morning) He's 7 months old this month . Do you think he will grow out of it?
I'd stop bathing him. My dogs only ever had baths when he rolls in poo - if he'd never done that, he'd have never had a bath. I think he's much stinker the first few days after he's had a bath. After that, he doesn't really smell
Is he rolling in something? Murph gets a bath about every three to six months if he starts to get a bit smelly. We think that is caused by his pool in the summer. It is very very warm here and I get the feeling that the dampness in his fur gets funky. Would not swear to that, but it seems logical. What does the "stinky" smell like to you? That might be a huge clue.
I usually only bath him once every 6 weeks or so. Or if he's been playing in mud. His stinky smell is like sweaty dog, but more musty? It's hard to describe. I've had two labs before this and neither one had an odor that I could smell.
If his smell has a musty or "yeasty" odour, there could be an infection somewhere, either skin/paws or ears. Maybe a quick trip to the vet for a check up.
Stinky can also be down to a diet that doesn't suit him - happened to a Lab in my village. The breeder had recommended some bonkers diet and the dog stank. When you stroked him, your hand stank. A change of diet fixed it. I would agree, take him to the vet. It could be one of several things.