Sudden death

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by Oly, Feb 20, 2019.

  1. Deboragh

    Deboragh Registered Users

    Jan 29, 2018
    Toronto Canada
  2. Deboragh

    Deboragh Registered Users

    Jan 29, 2018
    Toronto Canada
    So sorry for your loss. It's heartbreaking to loose such a young healthy dog.
  3. Tracey McLean

    Tracey McLean Registered Users

    Mar 7, 2021
    My 16 month healthy lab died suddenly too. She was sitting on my daughters bed doing her nosey out the window one minute and fell onto the bed and died so suddenly. Took her to out of hours but knew she was gone. Like yourself post mortem showed nothing and we have decided to agree to a pathology report. We need answers and we are truly heartbroken. Weloved our Myla so much. I hope we get answers which will hopefully let us understand and accept it because we just cant right now.
  4. Deboragh

    Deboragh Registered Users

    Jan 29, 2018
    Toronto Canada
    So very sorry for your loss. Devestating.
  5. LabLife

    LabLife Registered Users

    Apr 11, 2021
    It breaks my heart to read these stories. You are not alone ! On April 8, 2021, I lost my 4 year lab to sudden death. I’m still in disbelief as it happened so fast with no warning. Maggie had been to the vet just 2 days prior for a check up. They did her rabies vaccination and bloodwork which came back with flying colors. A+ check up. On the 8th, we had a great day! I was on the back patio hosing down all the pollen while Maggie played in the pool. I stopped for 30 minutes to play fetch with her and she had the best time. We got her dried off as I was about to prepare the grill for dinner. While the grill was heating, Maggie and I sat and watched a beautiful sunset. We grilled and returned Indoors for dinner. I ate in the family room at the coffee while Maggie sat on the sofa behind me and patiently waits until til I’m done since she is the pre-washer. I was cutting up the last two small pieces and Maggie slowly slide off the sofa onto the floor. I thought she was exhausted from the active day. At once I thought I heard a whine but she did not show any stress. So I go to the kitchen to return the plate and she didn’t follow...first , i called her twice and nothing . I knew something wasn’t right. I got to her quickly and she was unresponsive and limp. I go into panic and disbelief mode. Pulled her out into open floor and proceeded CPR for 30 minutes. I could not get a pulse, heartbeat, or breathing. I was completely distraught and inconsolable I knew she was gone but I had to keep trying until my friend arrived to help get us to the ER Vet. The ER vet confirmed her passing and spent some time with me then they brought Maggie into my room to spend some time with her and make arrangements to have her cremated. I have her back with me now, including an actual cement paw print from her paw . , a very nice certificate as well as a copy of the rainbow bridge poem, and a card from the staff which I can’t bring myself to opening just yet.
    My emotions are like a roller coaster.....I still think she is just away visiting someone. Coming home with her not there to greet me is the start emotions. We had a routine....that routine is no more . I see her everywhere I go. She was my shadow. I needed her much longer than was allowed. My heart is broken and I won’t be able to recover from this. Maggie was my companion and emotional support. Maggie gave me purpose to wake up every day. She was the reason I functioned, now what? The loneliness is overwhelming. I don’t feel I have the desire to move forward .
  6. LabLife

    LabLife Registered Users

    Apr 11, 2021
    PS....the only way to figure the outcome was to take her Texas A&M and that’s a costly process. It would be nice to know if there was something you could have prevented....but it wasn’t going to change anything and wasn’t going to bring my Maggie back so not worth it to me.

    im glad there are forums like this to discuss it others with similar experiences.

    Sad distraught Lab Dad
  7. LabLife

    LabLife Registered Users

    Apr 11, 2021

    im so sorry to hear of your absolutely makes no sense to me. I’ve added a forum letter below which may be pending approval
  8. LabLife

    LabLife Registered Users

    Apr 11, 2021
    . Thank you for that. I know that’s true I guess that’s what makes us human....what could I have done. I’m most thankful that there was no pain or suffering for her. ❤️
  9. Helen Heathcote

    Helen Heathcote Registered Users

    Apr 26, 2021
  10. Helen Heathcote

    Helen Heathcote Registered Users

    Apr 26, 2021
    Hi Len, I am so sorry for your loss. We too have been searching for answers.... I woke 3am this Thursday just gone (4 days ago) to a funny noise, I thought to be honest it was the cat coughing, he appeared in my bedroom doorway so I knew he was ok. I did a quick check of my boys in their beds and couldn’t see Otto, my 8.5 month old fox red lab, breathing. I jumped out of bed and tried to wake him before waking the husband with screams, he couldn’t wake him either.....he was gone. He was still floppy and warm at this point, curled up in his bed just as if he was sleeping.....I think the noises I heard must have been his last gasps of air. I didn’t want to put him through a PM, he has gone and I can’t bring him back. He has recently been diagnosed with epilepsy, I say diagnosed but what I mean is, his bloods came back clear and in his short life he had 4 small seizures, no shaking or frothing, just rigid legs and howling for all of 5/6 seconds so was put on Epiphen. Last week he had another small one and then his dose was increased. We are beside ourselves, I keep reliving in my mind, me trying to wake him and my heart is broken. Is epilepsy common in labs? My father has always had them as working dogs and had never heard of it before. I’m at a loss, such a waste of a beautiful life, he was so gorgeous and big. It’s sadly quite reassuring to read I am not alone.
  11. Helen Heathcote

    Helen Heathcote Registered Users

    Apr 26, 2021
  12. Helen Heathcote

    Helen Heathcote Registered Users

    Apr 26, 2021
    I have just read your post after losing our 8.5 month old boy just 4 days ago, he too had had some seizures, only 4 in the 7 months we had him and very mild ones. We are heartbroken as a family, so handsome, full of life and the most well mannered dog. I believe I heard him take his last gasps of air and that keeps playing over in my mind, I couldn’t wake him..... such a waste of a beautiful life
    Deboragh likes this.
  13. Deboragh

    Deboragh Registered Users

    Jan 29, 2018
    Toronto Canada
    So sorry ♥️
  14. Robert1991

    Robert1991 Registered Users

    Apr 27, 2021
    I'm so sorry for your loss and hope you will definitely find out the cause behind. Apart from this please take acer for the half terms also. My heart breaks for your loss. Please don't forget to update the thread once after knowing the cause behind.
  15. Lisastaples

    Lisastaples Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2021
    I really do feel for you . I lost my 11 month old lab to sudden death 2 months ago. He was perfectly healthy and had never had any medical issues. I woke in the night as I heard him and thought he was dreaming but it didn’t sound right . I flew down the stairs but it was already too late. He had gone. I didn’t want him pulled about so we will never know the cause of his death. The trauma of him passing is still with me. I can’t believe my healthy boy has gone and I struggle with him dying so young .
    Deboragh likes this.
  16. Deboragh

    Deboragh Registered Users

    Jan 29, 2018
    Toronto Canada
    So very sorry for your loss. Thinking of you xx
  17. DanielvdA

    DanielvdA Registered Users

    Jul 14, 2021
    Hi, exactly the same scenario / nightmare happened to me yesterday morning. We have 2 labradors, 1 brown older male and one young black 10 month old. As I came down the stairs yesterday morning I was expecting them both to be going crazy with excitement, except the young one was lying in his bed and I initially thought he was asleep. As I approached him it was pretty obvious he wasn't breathing, I tried to open his mouth to check his gums but he had clenched his jaw shut. I called the emergency vet but pretty quickly they told me there was nothing I could do. I just cannot comprehend how a young, healthy, happy and energetic puppy can just go like that. It is extremely hard and hurts a lot not to have his happy self greet me every morning.
    I am so sorry to everyone else on here that is going through this same pain that I am.
  18. Rondog

    Rondog Registered Users

    Mar 20, 2019
    Hi folks. I am very sorry for everyone's loss that is posting in this thread. I am unfortunately here with a similar story. We came downstairs on Sunday morning to find our beloved Ron (3 year old fox red - see display pic) had suddenly but peacefully passed away during the night in his sleep. He was in perfect health, and there were no indications as to what caused his sudden passing.

    On Saturday we had a hot day here in Scotland, peaking at 25 degrees C. We were very careful with him, only letting him outside for a 5 minute walk to do the toilet where shade was available. During the day he had plenty of shade and water, we kept him indoors with a fan on him to keep him cool and I even gently sprayed him with cool water at one point. But the co-incidence of a hot day followed by his sudden passing is hard to take for me personally. The vet said if he had heat stroke he would have displayed symptoms such as lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea etc. He absolutely was not showing any of those symptoms so we have been told his passing is unlikely to be heat related. Like many of the unfortunate pups in this thread I am thinking he has suffered from some unknown underlying condition.

    We are trying to remember the good times, and looking the future with our life with another fox red pup coming soon (we cant be without a dog now). Very sorry for everyone else in this position, the feeling of loss can be overwhelming.
  19. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    So sorry to read this. Its so hard when unexplained. Take care of yourselves.
  20. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    How simply awful for you. This must be every dog lovers worst nightmare. My thoughts are with you and your family.

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