are there any plans to make this available in tapatalk? Or is there another iPhone app that this forum supports?
I just use the forum as-is on my iPhone. But Tapatalk is handy for those who like it. This is a question for the technical people (of which I'm not one).
I'm really backward and hardly use any mobile device, despite being a techie! I've had a quick look and it appears there is a Tapatalk plugin for Xenforo (the software this forum is using). I'll have more of a look tomorrow to see what the implications are of installing it.
Just checking to see if you were able to look into this. I did find on tapatalk to view articles.
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner, I'm away at the moment. I've passed this on to the guy who deals with the file system of the forum (@admin), since it needs access to that to install the plugin. He should hopefully be able to get it installed without too many issues.
I actually don't have plans to install tapatalk at the moment. Maybe we'll have a poll to see who wants it?
I've installed it on a forum before and it's pretty quick. I would prefer it as Its a great way to navigate all your forums and to get push notifications. Is there any reason not to install it?
Also is accessible through tapatalk as a blog and is a nice have. Just wish the forum was too. Attached are a couple screenshots of how it looks.
Whenever we interfere with the code for the forum I need to take into account the risk of the update causing a crash or a problem and the expense of sorting that out. Adding any kind of plug in carries an element of risk. I also need to take into account the cost of paying our techie guy to do the work. And these things have a habit of racking up the hours So, while the forum is running smoothly (and it hasn't always been this way) I am reluctant to fix what isn't broken. Of course, if lots of people want tapatalk then I'm happy to review. Maybe others would care to comment?
I'd be interested to know how the functionality of the main site differ from the way it works on a mobile phone John?
I use the forum on my phone and ipad a lot and had no idea Tapatalk even existed This is the only forum I use however so I have nothing to compare it to.
No I had to Google it to find out what it was. I have an android phone and have never had any problems with the forum.
I use laptop and android, sometimes a PC at work. What exactly are the benefits of Tapatalk if you don't mind me asking @johnc847 ? It isn't immediately clear from your screenshots. jac
I use the forum through IE on my tablet and on my windows phone with no problems and planning to move to an android phone in the near future. I'm with Jacqui. What are the benefits?
Yes we have it installed on a forum I help to manage. It is very useful and mobile friendly. Most of forum users who start using tapatalk tend to just use the app and not the main website.
Sorry I didn't see any notifications there were replies to this. @editor One of the benefits to Tapatalk is that you don't have to check the site to see if there are replies to threads you're watching/following, nor do you have to set it to email you for that which clutters your email. The app can send you push notifications for threads in each forum you follow. That's one of the major benefits for me as all but this forum I'm on uses it, so I don't have to go to the forum sites. And if you don't want push notifications, there's a tab in the app to see notifications when you open it for all aubscribed threads grouped by forum. The app also has a feed tab which takes all your subscribed/watched threads from the forums you follow and pick to show there, and displays them kind of like articles to see the latest in what's going on. For mobile users, I also find it very more user friendly them going to the site on my phone as it's a consolidated place for all forums you are in and when you go to the thread it's updated. Where as when I go back to this forum by going to the tab open in safari, I have to click refresh to see if there's been any other posts. I'm a software developer and if you ever entertain the idea, I'd be willing to read up on this forum software and see what installing would take and would do it for free. As far as if it causes bugs, is the forum config/code backed up separately from the database that holds the forum data? If not automatic, can the software running this allow you to initiate a manual backup of the config/code only and restore if needed? That would allow you to back out if something were to happen. Do you mind if I ask where the forum is hosted? If you're interested in talking, feel free to PM me. I'd be glad to look into it more and talk with you or anything to make you comfortable to allow me to look at the setup and see what options are available to backup and even install if you decide to. You don't have to pay me a thing. No pressure either though. As this is yours and I'm new so I totally understand if you don't even want to entertain the idea. I'll still be a happy user. Just wanted to offer my help if needed.