Teeth, jaw chattering in 8 year old lab.

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Bertha0208, Jan 18, 2021.

  1. Bertha0208

    Bertha0208 Registered Users

    Nov 4, 2020
    Hello everyone, I’ve just joined this site hoping that another lab owner may have experienced something similar to my boys problems.
    I have a beautiful, yellow Labrador who is approaching eight years old. He has been diagnosed with elbow and hip dysphasia which are managed with gabapentin and metacam.
    Arthur is a jolly fellow and just gets on with things.
    However, a few weeks ago he walked towards me and his teeth and jaws were chattering.
    It went on for a minute or more so I was able to video him. I took him to the vet who is unsure
    as to what is going on with him. The chattering has been on and off but mostly occurs overnight.
    Six trips later we have had blood works (entirely normal) ruled out tooth or gum problems.
    The vet doesn’t think it is neurological as he is not presenting any other symptoms of it being that.
    We put him on chicken and rice for a week (it cut the chattering down a bit more) and he is now on a Purina gastrointestinal food.
    However, the chattering is still happening.
    Next thoughts are that he may have ulcers which are exaggerated by the metacam. So we stopped the metacam but now he is limping badly.
    The vet is now suggesting an endoscopy to see what is going on.
    Does anyone here have any experience with these symptoms please?
    I know that metacam does not suit all dogs but it certainly does a fabulous job of helping him with his pain so I am keen for him to restart it but not if it is causing him other problems.
    The teeth chattering overnight does upset him and he puts his paws over his nose to try and stop them.
    Can anyone give me some suggestions as to what might be happening please?
    Thank-you in advance for any help.
  2. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hi Sally and Arthur, welcome to the forum :)

    I'm sorry you're both having such a distressing experience at the moment, I'm afraid I don't have anything similar to share, but hopefully one of our other lovely members will be able to help soon.

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