I noticed today that one of Ziggy's canines is missing. He's only 13 weeks so this seems a bit early and I expected him to lose incisors first. Does anyone have any experience? Is this ok or should I be worried? He's forever chewing stones and logs, much as I run around trying to stop him, so I'm not at all surprised! Perhaps he's just an early teether?
Just as children, some pups lose teeth earlier than others , so I wouldn't worry too much . What I do advise though, it to distract him from playing with stones , I know its not easy as my dog was a devil for stones as a pupster ! Distract by offering something he can have, plus a treat, it is something they grow out of I promise , but by chasing him, you are becoming part of a big game !
Thanks Kate, that's put my mind at rest. Believe me - I do swap the stones for toys or chews whenever possible but he is literally on the hunt for something 'prohibited' to chew on every waking hour and I can't always be there with my fingers in his mouth! I'll be pleased when he grows out of this stage - I literally had a 5 ft tree branch in my sitting room earlier today! I can't believe how strong he is!!
As long as the tooth have just fallen out naturally and has not broken at the gumline I wouldn't worry
I'd have a very close look with a torch to make sure it's not broken off, or a very gentle feel, just to be on the safe side. Hopefully (and most likely) it has just fallen out