Can anyone recommend good teething toys for 13 week old puppy. I have tug toys, kongs, teething keys, nylabones. What is really good but not too expensive and will last. There are so many difficult to know what to choose. Thanks.
A rope with knots in it. Inexpensive to buy at pet shop.
I definitely second rope toys - they come in lots of different sizes, our puppies preferred the long dangly ones that look a bit like a squid
Himalayan chews are great although not toys...and mine loves a 6-8 inch braided bully stick. Both last eons for us. She’s almost 7 months and I’ve used them from the get go.
Thank you. She has short manic biting episodes. Not nice at 7 in the morning! I try to get tug toy or something into her mouth but she is too quick sometimes. Am trying to let her to bite me gently as well to get soft mouth biting. That's the plan anyway.