
Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by SwampDonkey, Nov 23, 2015.

  1. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    Midge ran away it was devastating. She's not done it for about 3 years. she has aways been a bit of a swine but I thought she'd given it up as she got older but no.
    Does anyones elses well trained and beautifully behaved Lab(he he) ever do this kind of weird disappering act?
  2. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Oh no. Has she come back?

    When my first dog (black boy named Nicolae) was younger he and his friend Ninja (black Lab of same age) did an escape act and went on a tour of the neighbourhood. Two weeks later Nicolae was visiting another set of doggie friends (Lucia the Maremma and Gryphon the Berner) and the lot of them got out of the yard and had a little self-guided day trip. Disaster averted on both occasions and a lock put on the gate thereafter! Certainly gave us a scare.
  3. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    got her back after about 45 mins but she's been known to go for 2 to 5 hours and I only get her back because I don't stop till i get her even if it means fording rivers and absailing down the side on canals on dog leads. I could kill her but when I get her back its just hugs and near tears. I love her but she's always been difficult.
  4. Pilatelover

    Pilatelover Registered Users

    Jan 20, 2015
    Oh no, poor you. This is one problem I've not had. Although there's plenty of time she's not one until next week.
    Glad everything ended well. Pippa has a chapter in Total Recall on absconders you may find that useful to read.
  5. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    My last dog, an Italian Spinone, wouldn't recall and go for a good run by himself. He fid at training, out walking with me, my OH and my son. With my son he ended up in the next estate having run all the way through the park crossing a road and ended in the garden of a house that had a Spinone bitch. As they are not that common we were surprised that there was one 1.5 miles away. My trainers advice when you git close was to just stand still and wait for him to come to me. Flynn would come sit at heel and my hand would slide down to his collar and then clip on his lead. From that it was just a case of saying lets walk and continuing on our way.
  6. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Lilly took herself off deer chasing in the woods about 6 month ago and was AWOL for about 50mins.
    I'm convinced she knew where she was and it was US that was lost as far as she was concerned, given that I "found" her a hundred yards from the car when I was walking back to meet OH that I had called out from his work.
    She ran very joyfully towards me.
    I didn't know whether to laugh or cry!
  7. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Charlie runs off very occasionally - but not very far and not for very long, but I HATE it when he goes out of my sight. He just catches the scent of something, and runs. It is so distinctive, his nose is down, it's like he is being dragged along, at a super fast gallop....

    Something, goodness knows what, kicks in after about 100m or 30 seconds or so, and he stops and comes back. But I dread the day when whatever it is that makes him stop and turn round doesn't....
  8. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Sam can be the devils own if he scents deer , not as bad as he used to be thank goodness , I just worked on the whistle recall and loads of tasty treats when he responded . But oh dear , I understand how frustrating it is , even a very few minutes seems like a lifetime to me .
  9. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    I HAD the absconder to end all absconders on this forum :rolleyes: Charlie is our rescue dog and came to us at 9 months old, he is a
    Labrador x Pointer and he had absolutely ZERO recall and it was hell. He would disappear for an hour plus, however he always knew where we were and came back but only when he wanted which obviously was not what we wanted so we kept him on lead. Luckily I found this forum and was quickly advised to buy Pippa's Total Recall, long training line, harness, whistle, yummy treats and now Charlie has a verbal and whistle recall which took over 3 years to train :eek: I'm not saying he's perfect he's not and he does go off for maybe a couple of minutes or so which we can cope with as mostly we can see him, at worst he disappeared for 25 minutes a few months ago when he followed a scent. We understand his breed and accept that he is never going to be a velco dog.

    Total Recall saved our lives and undoubtedly Charlie's too. I couldn't go through that ever again. xx
  10. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Poppy doesn't run away, but my old boys used to disappear together if there were a bitch on heat. A couple of times they were gone for HOURS.
  11. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Oh, I'd forgotten about deer scent! A couple of weeks ago on one of our training walks we saw a deer come out at the bottom of a field we were just about to go into, fortunately none of the dogs saw the deer but they caught the scent so we had Ziggy (a border collie x) in the lead, closely followed by Juno (who absolutely adores Ziggy), who was followed by Jasper a Lhaso Apso who fancies himself in love with Juno :rolleyes:. It was quite funny watching the three of them flying down the track, we gave one holler for them then following Rosanne, our trainer, we gave our shoulders a gallic shrug and said they'll come back, which they did a few minutes later still in the same order that they disappeared in :D:D
  12. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
  13. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    I am getting to trust Simba more and more but I still don't trust him completely. He will do the nose-down scent running thing too, and will be deaf to all whistles. It's just a matter of waiting for him to come back. Thankfully he isn't gone long, not like he used to be, but it is so awful...
  14. Snowshoe

    Snowshoe Registered Users

    Sep 5, 2015
    Ontario, Canada
    I'm so glad she's back safe and sound.

    My neighbour's Lab ran away this summer and she's gone. They are both rescue dogs and neither was good about staying with her on walks in the bush. Heck, we met when her two Labs bounded up to Oban and many times we met the dogs and not her, they went so far away from her. She looked and looked but the dog is gone. :(

    Not that Oban is any saint. One day he spied his friend Charlie, another Lab, in the bush and went home with Charlie and his owner with never a thought for me. His owner called my house and when I reached the road there was the OH with Mr. Dirty, Rotten, Stinkin' Dog in the truck. Honestly though, it's not a regular thing with Oban.
  15. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    I would be beside myself if this ever happened. I'm glad my stop and recall are, so far, strong enough against deer scent, although I'm not sure they'd hold up if Shadow saw an actual deer.

    I do know a couple of dogs who are forever disappearing. One often spends nights out on the mountain in the winter after running off after the wildlife. Or, if it's early enough, she takes herself on a tour of the local bars, looking for her owner. She's smart - she knows where to look...
  16. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    Oh it used to be a regular thing with Moo and yes I've done all the training and been to see different trainers diiferent classes and done total recall and this and that over the last 12 years. I've done everything suggested she's the best trained dog ever she knows loads of tricks and is always out and about with me but everyone who knows her knows she does have a teleport button.
    She's a rogue and far to clever and knowing for her own good. I've protected her from herself for 12 years and she's still with me and alive which is a suprise. Its not lack of training its a fiendish mind
    When she runs away she is totally intent on going and you actually see her clamp her ears down...I can't hear you la la la. She knows what she's doing and she's not lost in the world of smell. She sometimes looks at me over her shoulder as she runs obviously calculating how far away I am and if she will manage to catch her before she gets far enough away.
    I always stay in the same place and she returns and the only time I had a phone call to collect her was when she was found hoovering the school yard at a local school. She behaved beautifully even sitting for the teacher who'd caught her she was however covered in human poo. It was a bit like fight club the teacher didn't mention the poo so I didn't
    for the first time in 3 years this time wasn't too bad age is finally catching up with the little black hearted beast

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