Before I watched, I thought Tatze was going to crunch it up. She obviously wondered what on Earth you were giving her!
Tatze is so precious! What a sweet by Keir is! I went to the pantry to get an egg to optimistically attempt this but we don't have any eggs. I am a bad house keeper. I will get in the week and film the ensueing disaster.
Aw so good and gentle. I already know what Axel would do so I don’t think I’ll video it He would instantly drop it on the ground fiercely so he can lick up the insides. He loves eggs for snacks.
Well Cassie's just done it!! Really, she has!! Only of course it's never happened, I've no one at home to video it and my own phone is broken! So it's our secret And anyway I don't know how to upload a video
I remember doing this with Lilly at training classes. Not sure she would do it now as we give her going out of date eggs as treats and she takes them outside to crunch and eat. Hmmm. maybe, maybe......
Oh he's so lovely. I have to confess that Cass moved around in her mouth rather alarmingly, but she did give back to me.!
D'oh, Xena got an egg with her dinner last night too, I could have tried it then! Next time. I predict she'll do an Axel/Stanley.
In Stanleys defence he didn't break the egg. Just ran off with it it's back safe & sound in the fridge
There would definitely be three crunchers here. Willow tends to throw eggs at the floor to break them. Probably worth videoing it just for the giggles
Finn will take the egg to his crate and crunch it up! To him it is a treat! He gets an egg every sunday morning. He will guard his egg after its being cooked.