is that just once a day? Because I take Maslow to work with me and when he goes to the toilet it’s on the other side of the school.. which is probably a 5 minute walk... so we walk there (on a lead because, obviously, in a school) and then he goes to the toilet... then we walk back. So probably about 15 minutes in all.. although we have a good 5 minutes in that where he’s just snorting around in forest school. My worry is that we do that about 4 times a day! I hadn’t twigged that of course this counts as exercise!! So today I carried him to forest school and let him walk back but he’s already close to 10kg at 12 weeks old. There are no stairs etc it’s just a straight forward corridor.. he doesn’t pull or anything he just toddles along next to me (occasionally grabbing my trouser leg for a game of tug) Is this too much? Should I be carrying him there and back? Once a day he goes out to forest school and has a sniff around off lead for about 10 minutes but that’s more just wandering... We have got home tonight and he’s got the mega zoomies going on and all I keep thinking is noooooo you have had too much exercise! He has 3 decent naps in his crate at school of between 45m-1hr. Any advice?
I think he'll be fine. When you think about how much exercise puppies get just running and jumping at home........... I think the rule is meant to stop new puppy parents from taking their pups on huge hikes (especially on hard surfaces) when they might damage their hips etc.