The appointment is made.....

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Dexter, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: The appointment is made.....

    Oh Angela, how heartbreaking for you all :'( :'( :'(

    This is not your fault, it isn't anyones fault and in the long term these awful times will fade away and you can enjoy the beautiful Dexter to the full again. He will always be beautiful and lovely :)

    Lots of love from us xxxx
  2. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: The appointment is made.....

    Oh you poor loves , my heart goes out to you , I am so very sorry to hear your news after your massive efforts too . Please dont blame yourself Angela , you have tried so very hard , sending hugs from us all xxx
  3. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: The appointment is made.....

    Oh Angela, this whole thing must fill you with anguish.

    All along, though, you've followed the vet's advice and have given so much thought to each development or treatment. I just don't know what else you could have done to protect his tail.

    Compassionate, responsible people are always tempted to blame themselves. But it's not your fault.

    It's just terribly unfair that such lovely people and such a lovely dog have had such a rough time :(
  4. heidrun

    heidrun Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Feb 10, 2012
    Re: The appointment is made.....

    Oh Angela, big hugs for you, what an ordeal for all of you. xxx
    I know a number of Labradors with shorter tails and all of them are happy beautiful dogs. A couple had to have the same operation Dex is having for the same reasons, and one had its tail cut off as a puppy during c-section birth by the vet.
    Keep strong and positive. X
  5. Jen

    Jen Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2013
    Re: The appointment is made.....

    So sorry Dex and you have to go through it all again. :(

    Like the others have said though the day will come when this is all behind you. Dex will be bouncing about happy playing and won't even remember his wag used to be longer. It certainly won't bother him so don't let it bother you. You did everything you could and more.

    Good luck to you both tomorrow. Keep that chin up Angela deep breath.

  6. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: The appointment is made.....

    So sorry to hear this. I hope it will all be soon over and Dex will be happy and back to normal, and he'll have his wag back (super fast, with less air resistance).

    Sending you the warmest wishes from us.
  7. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: The appointment is made.....

    Oh Angela, you poor thing. What an awful experience you are having. Like Heidrun I have known Labradors that have had the operation to remove a significant proportion of their tail, and they have been perfectly happy with their knew ones.

    YOu have done your absolute best for Dexter and it isn't your fault in any way.

    Best wishes for tomorrow. x
  8. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: The appointment is made.....

    Thankyou once again everyone....
    Heidrun and Pippa it really helps to know that you know dogs that have come through this happy and healthy.....for weeks now I've been looking at Labradors and golden retrievers and asking owners if they have had it happen to them as it has felt like Dexter is the only dog in the world who suffers from this,I know that's not the case and I would never,ever wish it on anyone but I can't believe he is the only chronic sufferer in our area.a couple of people have said that it happened once but then never again.....I am wondering if the fact that the vet has Said Dexter bled a lot more than was normal in his castration op is a factor in how this has progressed.....she's said they will give him something tomorrow to assist the clotting,I think.....I must ask chris as I was having a bit of a wail and was so focused on the size of 15 cms I wasn't as focused on her as I could have usual the lovely lad is lay with his head on my foot oblivious while I discuss his fate.....hopefully tomorrow will be the start of putting this behind us and he can get back to really enjoying his life and getting as much as we can out of the lovely weather.its perfect to have him out and about in the fresh air
    Best wishes everyone,I know I am very lucky by a lot of standards,there are other forum members dealing with different kind of sadnesses too and I send all of my very best wishes to them xxxx
  9. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    Re: The appointment is made.....

    Dear Angela. I've just caught up on this thread and had absolutely no idea you were and Dexter were having such a horrible time of it. Dexter is so lucky to have you to look after him. So many other dogs would not have had the love care and attention you are giving him. I have no experience of what's happened to the poor soul so can't add anything to that, but thinking about you both.
  10. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: The appointment is made.....

    Angela, first of all this is NOT your fault NO WAY, Dexter could not have an owner that loves and cares for him more than you, he is an extremely luck boy. Secondly, a shorter tail won't make a jot of difference to Dexter or to you because you love him whole heartedly and that's all that counts. I am heart broken to hear your poor boy has to go through this and we all feel your pain :'(.

    You and Dexter will be in my thoughts tomorrow and I wish you ALL THE LUCK IN THE WORLD, because as far as I can see know one deserves it more than you, you are one of lifes wonderful people. Keep us updated and we are ALL behind you and thinking about you all.

    Dexter now you be a good boy and Hattie & Charlie send extra love and licks to you :*.

    Lots of love
    Helen xxxxx
  11. lynnelogan

    lynnelogan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: The appointment is made.....

    angela my heart is breaking for you :'(
    i agree with every one else, dexter is so lucky to have a mum and dad who clearly love and care for him ;)
    good luck to you all for tomorrow, dexter will soon be back to his happy bouncy self,......sending big hugs your way :)
    will be thinking of you
  12. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: The appointment is made.....

    My Mother said there is no point in crying over spilt milk and I always remember this, so what has gone has gone and you did your best for Dexter and the vet recommended he should have his tail reduced to stop the problem.

    I used to work for a vet and remember a dog coming in with his side ripped off, the dog was quite unconcerned, it was me and the owner who suffered! Remember dogs feel less pain than we do and Dexter will have pain management, don't "mollycoddle" him and then he will have no idea that anything is wrong, be jovial around him and give him happy things to do.

    I reckon that the next 15cms off will do the trick and all will be fine from thence on. I am with you in thought very much of the time, even when I was on my hands and knees this morning washing the kitchen floor, so hope that gives you a smile :D
  13. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: The appointment is made.....

    Angela, I haven't really been on here very much and have just caught up with your post... I am so sorry, how horrid for you :(. Dexter won't miss the end of his tail, but I feel sad that you are blaming yourself. You couldn't do more than you have. Big hugs to you, and hoping all goes well from now on. Xx
  14. jade805

    jade805 Registered Users

    Mar 5, 2013
    Re: The appointment is made.....

    He is a very lucky boy to have such caring humans.
  15. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: The appointment is made.....

    Oh, Angela.
    So sorry that you are all upset by this.
    I think its all been said - not your fault at all, you have been an angel to Dex.
    Wishing you loads of luck - I shall be keeping my fingers firmly crossed, keep us updated.
  16. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Re: The appointment is made.....

    Adding my support and hugs from here. Angela, in a week or two you will be on the "up" side from this and it will be clear sailing! Hang in there....and get some sleep!!!

    Soon this will be a distant memory and Dex will be back to his cheery self. It's just too bad it happened the way it did but I know you will soon get your feet under you and there'll be no stopping Team Angela & Dexter, with Chris as loyal pit stop crew....I wish I could brew you a nice cuppa and be there in person to give a hug but know that I am doing that in my mind ten times a day!

    We're all anxious to hear how it goes...keep us posted when you can.... :-\
  17. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: The appointment is made.....

    Ah Lisa I was just making a cuppa as I was reading this....we haven't had the best of nights again......Dexter is really restless of a night ,I had to set my alarm for 2 am ( just on the off chance I got a bit sleep ???)to feed him( he was bad enough the other day when I was taking him in for an op at 8 am....he would never have lasted today until 12.30)in our case this ecollar doesn't work for tail wounds.....he can reach it and the last couple of days he's been really trying to go for it I don't sleep a wink in case I miss him licking......don't feel sorry for me I do manage to go to bed during the days ....the holiday has helped as Chris is around during the daytime but it's not ideal.....and the night times are worrying and quite draining keeping him distracted or trying to settle him down to sleep ,we've been in some funny positions I can tell you!but if he doses off ......I just don't move!
    I'll let you all know how he does and send you a photo of the 'new' Dexter! He must be so miserable being told to lie down all the time,I can't wait until I can get him out running free and playing with his pals x
    Thankyou for all the well wishes
    Angela x
  18. debsie

    debsie Registered Users

    Oct 23, 2012
    Re: The appointment is made.....

    Just reading your updates, I'm so sorry to hear what you and Dex have been going through. Sending best wishes that all goes well with his op, and a speedy recovery for the lovely boy
  19. lynnelogan

    lynnelogan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: The appointment is made.....

    best of luck for today, thinking of you all, sending big hugs :(
  20. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: The appointment is made.....

    Thinking of you today xxx

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