Betsy has just lost her puppy coat - oh boy, I have never seen so much hair. Cuddle her and she left you absolutely covered in hair. Furminator applied every day for about 20 days, and I took out about 15 full comb fulls each day, and vacuuming every day, seems to have got it under control. Her adult coat is lovely, and she looks much better without all that fluffy stuff. Whether it'll be as bad when she sheds her adult coat I'll have to wait and see.
Luna's coat is just beautiful - I really appreciate what a "proper" Labrador coat is like now. As she's getting bigger (and how), her top coat is also becoming more defined, too. But I am dreading the start of shedding. Dreading with a capital D. Make it two. DDreading.
Any words of wisdom on if chocs lose more fur than pups with black coats? I already noticed on my own during breeder visits that the yellows shed more than any of them. I'm just curious what people think...
I'm not sure that's true (although it is true for my two, so hey ho!) but W&S's mum is yellow and dad is black. You didn't see Jake's hair anywhere near as much as Ruby's, but, having swept up their house when I was looking after it, I can say that Jake certainly sheds just as much.
Obviously I've only got a black lab but I don't think he sheds tooooo badly. It's annoying - but my childhood jack Russel was much worse!
I was basing my very 100% scientific assessment on the stickability of yellow fur by the fact that when I do breeder visits with all three coloured Labs and roll around with them on floor for a couple hours straight, it's the yellow fur that seems most likely to follow me back to my car and then stick there as a souvenir of my visit.
I think you notice different coloured hair more (depending on what the hair is sticking to) but apart from that it's just to do with the quality of the coat, and how the Lab grows in a new coat. Charlie has a different coat from Betsy. He has an ok undercoat on his sides and back legs, but even more top coat. And he just seems to lose his undercoat in one great lump to leave him sleek and shiny in a new coat in no time. Betsy looked a bit of a mess for a while, with her old coat coming out, and her top coat seemingly renewing as she went. It's the first time I've really appreciated what 'out of coat' means.
All mine had/have different coats Rory, Brown fine coat hardly sheds. Moo black wavey coat medium shedder. Douglas black thick coat shed for 3 dogs. He was in a lot if supplements some of which contibuted to the hairy bearness. I do much less dysoning now my 2 that are left produce about 1/4 hair than Doug did.
No worries, I just thought I'd ask as I didn't think I remembered seeing a photo of him. I'm sure he was a very handsome guy.
Loki is shedding his hairs lots at the moment too. Especially if he's having a good fuss; hairs everywhere! I thought it was just malting season but then why would it be it's winter, so must be his puppy coat. He has already grown a coarser wavyish coat down his back