So Ella has woken up this morning in full blown "psycho choccy lab" mode and, of course, we have obedience training this morning. My response: rush up to the shops so that I can buy and cook some fresh yummy sausages to take with me (all warm and juicy) just so that I have a chance of getting through the day!
Nope, didn't work! She was "that dog" at training today . I ended up taking her off to the side to do a few basic bits and pieces that I knew she'd succeed in before joining everyone else at the end. The good news is we can go on Tuesday evenings as well now that we've put the clocks forward so I'll go on Tuesday and try again. Oh well, may as well relax, forget about it and enjoy the rest of our Sunday ☺
Sorry you had a less than perfect training session... We've all been there though. Don't let it get you down - as one of the trainers I know says "Any training session where everything works perfectly is not a training session" - and he's right, of course! Onwards and upwards...
Put it behind you and hope for a better session next time. My dog is pretty much ALWAYS " that dog " ! At least I get used to it....
I think most of us have had 'that dog' at times.... When Obi started obedience he used to bark almost continuously throughout the hour long class. And he also lunged manically at every other dog in the class in between the barking. So, yeah.
Oh, the random lunging at other dogs! Yep, we've got that one covered! Last week I made the mistake of looking in the other direction and she pulled me straight onto my backside! Nothing like a pregnant woman flying a*** over to get everyone's attention (how embarrassing)!
I'm looking forward to having "that dog" times two when we have our first ever group training session next month. Eeek! You be careful!!!
Ok 2x "that dog" wins! ☺ Any chance the OH can video it for us? Hehe, I'm fine thanks ☺ Just a giant, black, phone shaped bruise on my bum! Never leaving my phone in my back pocket again...
Oh yes I did it on a flat newly mowed golf course. I did not get up straight away because I thought i'd popped the joint out, but when I lent forward I could feel the bone moving out of place. After walking the dogs 2 miles home feeding them and having a shower i went to hospital. I'd fallen in the river a few months previously and done major nerve damage to the same arm so it was all a bit silly really.
Oh no! That is definitely much worse! Although mine did have an audience so that does increase the severity . Hope it's all better now x