The whirlwind of destruction

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by chris, May 28, 2014.

  1. chris

    chris Registered Users

    Apr 14, 2014
    so after finally getting bruce to eat his hard food, he's reached the whirlwind of destruction/biting crocodile phase

    while i know this phase will pass the problem being is i work from home all day and he's becoming a bit of a nuisance. i can't play and indulge him all the time so what are peoples strategies from dealing with that?

    I do put him in the kitchen when i go out for lunch or when he needs a time out but then i don't want to have him in there for hours on end
  2. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: The whirlwind of destruction

    I worked from home during this phase too! Boy...

    My strategies:

    Remove everything he can use to create mischief out of his reach - everything - adopt the log basket on top of the TV style of interior design.
    Use puppy play pen panels, or similar, to keep him in the room I am working in.
    Feed in kongs throughout the day to "shut him up for a bit" ;D
    Invent self amusing games with the contents of the recycling tub and prepare several in the morning for use throughout the day.
    Buy a crate that fitted in the space next to my desk.
    Have a work/play/walk schedule and stick to it - if it's not playtime, tough luck!

    Good luck! It does get better!
  3. lorilou61

    lorilou61 Registered Users

    May 13, 2014
    Indiana USA
    Re: The whirlwind of destruction

    Oh I understand this! I also work from home and some days are better than others. And it's changed over the weeks as he grows and behaves differently. I make sure that we get a good bit of play before starting my work day so he usually naps the first couple hours. I also plan on 15-20 min breaks every couple hours and use these for exercise, play or short training sessions. I have been giving him a frozen kong mid afternoon and just make sure he has access to lots of toys.
    Up until the past 7-10 days he had to be in my office and usually under my feet, but he's started to be a bit more independent and spending more time roaming the house and napping in his new favorite spot, by the tub.
    It can be challenging but I have found that it makes for a great opportunity for training and bonding.
    Good luck!

    Lori & Edsel
  4. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    Re: The whirlwind of destruction

    I work from home too. When lady was a puppy I was at home alone with her with my wife out at work all day. My stategy was to move my office to the dining room where I could keep an eye on things better. I kinda worked and not ideal, but it was better than having her alone or in the office.

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