..... POOH! thread. ;D Last night after we got back late from a dinner party. Lady is officially relieved. :
Re: The Winnie the ..... Well amen to that. Good work, Lady. Thank you for not posting photographic evidence.
Re: The Winnie the ..... ;D We'd better keep our interest in these threads to ourselves. Non-dog people wouldn't understand. ;D
Re: The Winnie the ..... Ta-Dah! Says Lady. Hope that means all is returning to normal for the lovely girl.
Re: The Winnie the ..... Well she seems at least 90% today so I'm going to take her on the shoot but I'll pull out if she's not happy. I've just loaded the car and she's sitting at attention so that's a good sign.
Re: The Winnie the ..... PHEW!!! Good girl, and enjoy the shoot today Mr Beanwood has just asked why I am laughing.... : ;D ;D
Re: The Winnie the ..... Well, so many people around the world waiting for a SBD to do a poo, could be in the Guinness Book of Records ;D
Re: The Winnie the ..... Thank goodness. Well done Lady keeping everyone waiting just long enough like a proper Lady should.
Re: The Winnie the ..... I can announce that her ladyship is back to normal and did the full day but ..... .... did decide she knew best in the picking up stakes but ..... .... the gamekeeper said she was a super well behaved dog. 8) Pooh still a bit explosive though. However, she's eaten a massive supper and is having a rest now. Haven't been able to get all the mud out of her coat but I'll do that later.