Took me by surprise...but this bark was special...really special. On a walk with Casper, well not a walk as such, but just working on some nice behaviours. I rummaged in my bag, and pulled out a dummy. Casper barked! I looked at him and want this Casper? He wagged and wagged..and woof! ..Casper doesn't play much, doesn't care for things thrown, balls etc. He does like a memory retrieve at times though, just to show the young'uns how its done. Normally I wouldn't be happy if one of my dogs barked in this situation, but Casper well that's different. Obviously I have had to go and order a few more! Good old boy Casper...
Aww sweet Casper! You have them twisted around your paw - you tell 'em what you want - they will get it for you. Anything.
Casper with @Bensons-dad his new dummy... Casper waiting... dummy11 by Marcus Hart, on Flickr Then out he goes! dummy31 by Marcus Hart, on Flickr and back... dummy411 by Marcus Hart, on Flickr for hand delivery... dummy21 by Marcus Hart, on Flickr Good dog! the pack 2 by Marcus Hart, on Flickr
I bought two nice black and white contrasting dummies, (to make them more exciting) then threw then high to build his excitement. Then letting him run in as purely for fun