Hello, This is my first time here. I have a 14 year old yellow Labrador who is struggling to walk. Thor walks with difficulty & collapses on the floor constantly. He spends his days lying around all over the house. We have been having accidents almost every morning. Thor is still very interested in food and happy to be around us, his family. The last week, he starts barking in the evening. It can last for hours. We try everything, to no avail. Any ideas?
Hi. I highly recommend going to the vets. This behaviour clearly isn’t normal and needs to be looked into by a professional.
You need to see the vet as soon as possible. If he collapsing and having accidents it could mean he's in pain for some reason. You need to find the cause for his collapse as soon as possible he may need pain relief or some other form of treatment. If he's howling/barking he may well be in pain and need help from your vet. I would seek vet advice as soon as you can.
Vet asap don’t be fooled by his wagging tail he could well be in a lot of pain but won’t show you that. Good luck
Definitely vet trip. Dogs are very stoic and hide pain very well. He could be in a pain without you realising. Any physical change in our dogs means they should be seen by a vet urgently. Let us know xx