tillys behaviour around other non-labradors

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by laurenxo, May 9, 2016.

  1. laurenxo

    laurenxo Registered Users

    Mar 25, 2016
    Hi Everyone, Tilly who has just turned 4 is fine with other labradors or retriever dogs she loves them shes goes crazy when she sees another lab or retriever its like she knows her own kind! lol but if she sees another breed shes not interested she doesnt go crazy like when she sees another lab, like today she approached cautiously a beagle mix and they smelled each other then tilly ran after the beagle mix barking and scared it off then it happened again with another mix breed type of dog i cant think of anything that has made her like this a collie snapped at her when she was around 1-2 year old and another with a jack russell who tried nipping her ankles but can anyone relate or know why this happens
  2. Ski-Patroller

    Ski-Patroller Cooper, Terminally Cute

    Feb 8, 2016
    Portland, Oregon & Mt Hood Oregon
    All of our Labs seem to recognize other gun dogs. Labs were breed to get along with other dogs, especially other retrievers so it is not surprising that they recognize the play behavior other labs. Our first Lab, Ginger, was bitten by a GSD and took exception to all GSDs after that. Tilly does not particularly like small white dogs. A Boston Bull nipped her on the nose one time, and some there are a number of small white dogs in our neighborhood that are not particularly friendly. Cooper is still a pup at 12 months, and has not made any strong dislikes yet, but she definitely likes to play with other gun dogs.
    laurenxo likes this.

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