Hi there just wanting a bit of advice, our 19 week old puppy just did a number 2 inside, its the first time he has had an accident in well over a month of any type, but what I am concerned about is that he actually is not house trained. I have been quite suspicious about this the whole time as we are HYPER vigilant in getting him outside to bathroom constantly, I dont think it is that he is toilet trained I think it is just that he always has the opportunity to go outside, and so he does. But if he were left to his own devices inside for more than an hour he would also happily go inside. I.e. he does not know not to. So I am not sure how to teach him that he actually should not go inside, rather than us having to monitor him for the rest of his life because he is not aware that he shouldnt. The only place in the house he wont go if left inside is the laundry and thats because it is a small space and we used to sleep him in there. Any advice or thoughts?
Hmmm....I think it will come, I wouldn't say that this would mean he wasn't toilet trained. I know Lilly did the odd poop pile as she was introduced to more of the house. I think she christened every room in the house in the end, but only the once in most rooms. I guess he has to have this sure knowledge that the house is HIS. I wouldn't get too disheartened. Does he indicate when he needs to go?
He's only a bit over 4 months old, I don't think it's a worry that he has an accident. I've read they don't have complete sphincter control till about 6 months. Odd things can set them off; lots of commotion one day, ate new foods, went visiting Grandma and were away from home a long time and they make a mistake or forget or have a little accident. I think just keep on with what you are doing, keep an eye on things just in the remote possibility there is a medical reason for it, but probably he's fine. Till he gets good and old and it maybe starts again.
One thing that might help to get the message across is feeding him his meals in different locations round the house. Dogs generally don't want to poop in their dining area. I wouldn't be too worried though - he's still a baby. It's normal for these accidents to still happen
Ok thanks for the advice, I guess in all liklihood it was just an accident, he hasn´t even done a wee inside in over a month, and obviously in the initial few weeks there were wee´s everywhere! haha! so we are living the dream right now, it just has been a suspicion in my mind that he is not actually aware that he should not go inside. Through absolutely no fault of his own! It just doesnt seem to be something he is conscious of. We take him outside so often and always praise him for going, but as I said I think its incidental that he goes outside. I also think he likes the carpet and thinks it is quite similar to grass!!! haha. I wondered about penning him in the living room instead of crating him and extending the pen gradually so he gets to see the living room as his den? right now he is in a crate and definitely will cry if he needs to go when inside the crate. He does not yet indicate to go outside at other times but I think that is because he has pretty frequent access and so does not need to. Maybe I will try the feeding him inside thing, as currently he is fed outside in his dog living room in the pergola - I am happy to feed him in the kitchen etc