Toilet training - the next chapter

Discussion in 'Labrador Training' started by Mollly, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. Mollly

    Mollly Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Thames Valley
    Toilet training was a breeze. She 'got it' with a couple of weeks. Last visit to the garden just before I go to bed at around 11pm and peace reigns until 6.50 am ( yup, she is that accurate). Small wonder that I have just let her put into my dormant garden all winter.

    Now the garden is waking up

    Is there any way to train them to "Go" in a particular place?

    I understand Guide Dogs are trained to use a particular spot. Any ideas?

    Hubby bought a training spray. It was carried away by the breeze, so I poured a little on the ground. She tried to lick it up, then she tried to dig it up. Now she just ignores it.

    Molly is just coming up for 6 months.

  2. ClareJ

    ClareJ Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Re: Toilet training - the next chapter

    You can buy pheromone pee posts too - I wouldn't bother with them either! ;D ;D

    If you want her to go in a certain spot, it's back to taking her outside - on a lead - and straight to where you want her to go. If you do not already have a cue word for toileting, introduce one as she is going so she starts to associate that word with the act. Praise and reward her for going, and then she can go free in the garden. If she doesn't go, it's back inside and then back out to that same spot again later.

    Mine have always self-selected a regular spot in the garden - seeing as it's on the grass and I know exactly where to look to clean up, I'm happy enough with that. I don't think dogs want to turn the whole garden into a toilet any more than you would want them to either! However Brew was completely thrown when we stayed with my sister recently and she went out into her back garden to find that it is all hard-landscaping and there wasn't a grassy spot in sight...
  3. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Toilet training - the next chapter

    Yup, Clare is right.

    I trained Charlie to use the bottom end of the garden, behind a trellis, in an area where I laid gravel - it helped that there was a door, so I could enclose him in the space for a bit.

    I struggled for a while, then just massively upped the treats for going in that space - 5 or 6 big biscuits delivered with a massive fuss of "good boys". He didn't go out to the garden on his own to make his own decisions though - I went out with him, made a game of running down the garden to the doggy toilet, spend time in there and then huge rewards for peeing and pooing, then freedom of the rest of the garden.

    I knew I'd done it when we were outside having drinks in the summer - he got up, trotted down the garden, had a pee neatly behind the trellis at the bottom, and came back. Hmmm...probably my only real dog training success!

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