Here is a little clip of Murffi doing a couple of 'down' at distance and while he is on the move. He was free to just mooch about as he does, nose to the ground and tail going ten to the dozen. I am even more challenged in this clip because I am not just carrying the iPad I also have a clicker and treats in one hand. That's why my voice commands are a bit more forceful than they would normally be, but I haven't got a hand free to give my usual hand signal. This is not really a command I need for my working dogs but having an extra set of 'brakes' for Murffi is not a bad thing.
Re: Training 'Down' at distance Note to self, stop watching these clips , they make me feel totally inadequate ;D ;D Seriously though , its so lovely to see Murffi working out, love that boy
Re: Training 'Down' at distance That field looks like it needs a tent and a black Labrador in it. You don't mind if I move in do you? Murffi is a little star, instant reactions
Re: Training 'Down' at distance Oh, that's super! We are working so hard at 'down from heel' - I'm beginning to think we may have cracked it - but not at a distance like this, just with her walking to heel and then she (theoretically) drops into 'down' at my command, without me breaking stride... I can't tell you how useful these little vids are! Thanks again.
Re: Training 'Down' at distance Oh... I'd love Charlie to do that...murfi must have been listening, Charlie is so distracted all the time... must find some more books and classes.