Juno is a very calm, relaxed, quiet, gentle girl with no real training issues apart from one - she never tells another dog off! On previous walks with our dog trainer we have had small male dogs keep tying to mount her to which she just keeps walking on and chasing after/with her doggy friends. On today's walk Juno actually squealed a couple of times as Jen, her best friend, was hanging on to her ear as they played and trotted along. Juno is the taller of the two. Luckily enough there are no marks on her ear and Juno was completely unfazed; is it possible though to encourage a dog to tell another off for inappropriate behaviours? She is definitely the quietest dog I have ever known - the last time she barked was Sunday 9 August, at Jen's birthday party I wouldn't want to change my gorgeous girl in any way but sometimes wonder if being so gentle and relaxed is good.
Sounds to me like she's quite confident and most things don't phase her. I always thought Harley was too laid back until she told off a dog a few months ago as he kept trying to mount her, jump on her, knocked her over then tried to pin her down.....the was the last straw for her - she really told him off and he is now always much calmer with her. I wouldn't worry too much about it unless you feel she is being bullied and not doing anything about it.
I guess I would like go see her put other dogs in their place a little more, she doesn't normally react even when dogs lunge, growling at her. With Jen, Juno will eventually push back by using her height against her but was just a little concerned when she yelped but still didn't tell her off. Oh well, love her as she is and certainly don't want a dog that starts telling others off as a first response, and she is only15 months old still. It's reassuring to know that she's not alone in being laid back, Harley is a gorgeous girl and if Juno is like her, I'm more than happy