Do you travel with your dog? Have some pictures, stories or brags to share? I thought I'd start a very self-serving thread for me to show off my travel dog photo collection and ask others to join in and do the same. Granted mine will mainly feature my dog Brogan who is not only no longer with us, but also wasn't a Lab. But hopefully one day in the future I'll be able to post some new photos with a decidedly more Lab-like buddy. Here's my first entry: I took Brogan to Rome for his 8th birthday and this was my favourite pic from that day. I'm thinking a lot about this trip as today I'm in Rome for the first time in many, many years without my buddy and missing him something fierce. It's just not all that fun without my best boy. But I have a great memory of this day - we walked for 8 hours straight and both nearly passed out on the train home. In fact, I learned an important travel-with-your-dog lesson that day: always wake up your dog on the stop BEFORE the one you want to get out on. Brogan was so tired that I nearly didn't get him awake enough to get out of the train in Perugia, where we were living at the time. And because I can't resist, here's another of our Italian adventures: This is in Riomaggiore (Cinque Terre) where I thought it would be a brilliant idea to rent an apartment for the month of January back in 2011. It was not. There seemed to be only about 30 humans there at that time of year and some weird foreign chick and her big black dog were not precisely welcomed into the fold no matter how good my Italian was and how much of a cheerful demeanour I put on. Also no grocery stores except for a tiny place the size of a closet that sold individual eggs for EUR2 each and cans of tuna for EUR4. Brogan normally ate 5 chickens a week but for that four weeks we both ate so much tuna (along with pasta) that neither one of us could EVER EVER even look at the stuff again. Even though most tourists have heart palpitations of joy over Cinque Terre, I will forever refer to Riomaggiore as "The Village of the Damned".
Awww...great photos. Not been anywhere out of Scotland with mine. Could come up with a few interesting photos given time and some thought though! (For interesting I mean not on a beach or in the woods!) Edited to correct typo of "beech" to "beach". Sorry Miss F
I wish somebody would take me to Rome for my birthday! I love your Brogan stories and photos, please keep it up!
Lovely pics, and it matters not a jot that he's not a Lab. He shares the same happy, gentle face that most Labs do, and he would certainly be a welcome addition to the "family". What a shame we got to meet him too late. We travel with Willow and Shadow, but generally the places we travel to are less picturesque than the places we live! So not may photo opportunities
He was gorgeous! Silly people, not welcoming you both into their little community... (though that is on my list of places to visit).
Ah I've loved reading your thread,what a great tell us more.... We travelled with Dexter from Dubai to the UK this Summer ,he travelled brilliantly and went from being in the sand...... To being in the lovely green Yorkshire Fields ...... This is one of my favourite photos of the's nothing special but I'd been trying to lure him across the the bridge,he hates them for some reason ....he just wasn't having any of first no one noticed but of course we started drawing a bit of a crowd so in embarrassment I just picked him up....everyone was cheering and clapping,it was so funny!
Aw, these are great! Thank you for sharing! He looks so regal in the sand! Maybe not so regal being carried across the bridge. ;-) My friend's chihuahua also has a thing about wooden bridges and also has to be carried across...though she is a little more "portable".
Cinque Terre is absolutely worth a visit, I just wouldn't suggest staying there for an entire month in the dead of winter. Though it was a really unique experience, I discovered that I'm not much the type for really remote villages, no matter how beautiful. I think I went a bit wacky in the head that month!
Hey, a day trip to your own beautiful local places (I love Scotland!) also counts. Dust off those photos!
A few pics of us out and about: Not really travelling, but this was one of Willow's first "outings", to a 90th birthday party BBQ. Look at the size of those ears! We visited the UK when they were 9 months, and met forum favourites, Benson and Casper: Another more local trip for a 3rd birthday party this time! We stopped off in Normandy last year, which meant trips to the beach: And we did a week of agility training there with the dogs, who had a whale of a time.
Ok....first picture is son and daughter and girlfriend at John O' Groats. With Lilly of course. Most Northerly bit of Scottish mainland.... And this one is with Sophie and Lilly in front of Falkland Palace. A regular haunt, and setting for the Diana Gabaldon series Outlander.
Lindisfarne?? This is totally not fair....!! Gosh, these are lovely pictures! I don't have any travel pictures...we haven't been able to travel with the pooch yet. But stay tuned....we have a very short doggie holiday booked for the end of October!
As today is my last day in Rome, one final photo from Brogan's second trip here. We went into more sites than the first trip as I was showing my visiting cousin around, so Brogan made it into the Coliseum and Forum as well as the Vatican. I told the the security guards at the Vatican that we could wait outside while my cousin did the tour (I'd already seen it many times) but they insisted that Brogan go inside and he got his own Swiss Guard escort to the entrance. Italians really love dogs. I wish I could have gotten a photo of him with the Swiss Guards, but I was already very grateful for their kindness and didn't want to push it! Here's Brogan at the Trevi Fountain: Totally unrelated, but a couple years ago I got sent to Berlin for work for one day. Brogan and I flew from Malaga, shot videos the next day (Brogan spent the day in the studio being 100% quiet, what a good boy) and then flew out the next morning. However, I was determined to get a photo of him in front of the Brandenburg Gate, so I got us up at 5am, took the U-Bahn to the Gate, got the pic right as the sun was coming up, then hoofed it immediately to the airport and back to Spain. So here's Brogan in Berlin at the crack of dawn!